Both my oregano plants are wilted, but only part of each plant.
We got 3.5” of rain in a week. Rain ended around 3:40 Saturday morning. Yesterday was cloudy and dry, 70 degrees. No wilting. Today, sunny, humid, and 87. Wilted once the sun came out, and stayed that way even when the sun went behind the garage. Both plants been in shade for 3 hours and still wilted.
Remove the mulch. Let it dry out. It likes hot temps and dry soil. Well, mine does anyway. I never water it. My three get a little run off from my tomatoes.
The mulch is more for weeds than moisture. Any stretch of bare soil is covered in Japanese stiltgrass and other nuisance plants with in a week or two around here.
Mine is Greek oregano, But despite coming from the same seed packet, those two plants look a little different from each other. The batch started this spring looks fine by the way. These are second-year plants in the picture.