Wild seedling mulberry root

I spotted a volunteer wild seedling mulberry about April 2022 that was about 18” high. My plan was to let it stay in place and move into a suitable location about now. Mulberry trees don’t play around, this thing grew to about 10-12’. I didn’t get as many roots as I wanted but I think it will survive. It should make a good tree to multi graft. While digging it up the first thing I noticed was the bright colored roots.


Yes, the yellow makes them very easy to identify when you are pulling things out during dormant season.


I dug a bunch out of flower beds last spring… noted that M.alba seedlings have yellow roots, but M.rubra seedlings had orange roots. Hybrids… IDK.

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Mulberries are monsters! I planted some wimpy grafts that grew a solid 8’ in a year.

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That’s why Girardi is so nice. Mine is topping out around 10-12 feet tall, with a little annual pruning. But I’ll take a blackberry over a mulberry (unless it is a M. Nigra) any day.

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Girardi growing so slow was harder in some aspects. A deer took half of mine out and that was not going to regrow any time soon. A regular mulberry would just push out 2 new branches and grow twice as big the the end of the season