Wild vs named black raspberries

I need to start looking around more, so far I’ve only found wild blueberries, some wild growing blackberries, and one small patch of raspberries, none are in a convenient place for me to just go and pick.

Those look like they could be a good one to try, and hardy in my zone. Have you tasted them?

My wild blackberries are bitter.

I planted Jewel years ago and they weren’t big producers when they were young. I think the birds got most of them. From what I recall, the taste was pretty good, but nothing that I couldn’t live without. So, I dug them up and gave them to my brother and re-purposed the space. He planted them on a hill in his yard and they’ve since spread over a large area. He gets massive production and loves them. I was probably a bit too quick on the trigger in getting rid of them.

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On my property, the wild ones are much smaller, much softer, and insipid. Not worth picking since other berries are ripe at the same time.

It’s interesting to hear how the wild ones are and the variations in different parts of the country.

I think there needs to be the right balance of sun and moist ground. Mine do better with only about five hours of direct sunlight. Here are some of my wild black caps from an older post: What's happening today? - #94 by Derby42