There is usually some leeway in the picking. It doesn’t go overripe instantly. If you are only leaving for one week, you should do okay with the corn. At least in the North here, that is the case.
When those silks turn black and droop is usually when it’s ready. With some regular su and se corn, your picking window is pretty narrow, that is, when the kernels exude a milky liquid when squeezed. su is like 1-3 days, and se is like 3-5 days but with the super sweets like sh2, you have a bit more time (up to 10 days).
You mentioned elsewhere that it’s Serendipity, which is a super sweet (se/sh2), so it will probably will be ok when you get back.
You must have started yours really early, mine are still no higher than 3ft tall, but we didn’t plant until late May.
I picked about two five gallon buckets of Ambrosia sweet corn yesterday. My Mom is here visiting us, and she helped me shuck it. One of the pleasures of summer is shucking freshly picked corn. You get sticky fingers, but it’s worth it.
I didn’t want to pressure can it, so we cut some off the cob, and bagged it along with some still on the cob. I think we bagged about 7-8 quarts and put it in the freezer.
We boiled a few cobs, and cut the kernels off a couple cobs, added a bit of butter, salt and pepper. Very good, pretty sweet, but not as much as Honey Select. We also grew HS, but it hasn’t grown as well, and isn’t ready yet.