Willis Orchard Order- Review

9- Hazelnuts- Very nice roots and tops.

I ordered 9 and they gave me 10.

And they look great. I have ordered from them several times in the past with mixed results. This has made up for some of that though. Some are over one inch caliper at the base.

Conclusion- 100% satisfaction. Certainly did not expect that, but very happy.


Hope they live - from experience they will not honor there warranty.

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I ordered 4 pecan trees from them 3 years ago. They shipped 3 trees. I emailed asking about the 4th tree. They somewhat grudgingly shipped it. I set out all of the trees within 1 day of receiving them. The first 3 trees died having never opened a single bud. The 4th tree is still going but still less than 2 feet tall.

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Sounds like you guys were clicking on here to see a horror show.

Willis has a reputation and its pretty well deservedā€¦

The only place with a worse reputation among fruit nurseries is TyTy.

Rumor has it Willis was started by former TyTy employees

Sadly, information surrounding the details is murky because of what TyTy did to Daveā€™s Garden regarding their ranking on the garden watchdog.

Iā€™d keep an eye on these plants to make sure they are what you actually orderedā€¦



What did TyTy do?


I have ordered from them several times. Earlier orders were trash, but the last two have been pretty good. Just like it reads above. Not what I was expecting. They were only $9 a piece so I figured I couldnā€™t go to wrong.

My father ordered a fruit tree- either a peach or a persimmon that was supposed to be 1.25 inch caliper. To be fair the rootstock was that big or close but the main whip was not a half an inch. Ugliest $%#@ tree you could imagine and it died a month or so later. My father is older and way overpaid for the tree.

TyTy screwed hundreds of gardeners and when they found out that the Garden Watchdog had compiled hundreds of negative reviews, they filed lawsuits against Daveā€™s Garden. They filed hundreds treating each review on the site as a different libelous statement. Daveā€™s Garden could not defend against so many lawsuits, so instead a ā€œdealā€ was worked out where the site would not post reviews about the nursery.

There are a few other nurseries affiliated with TyTy. Aaronā€™s Nursery is one of them.


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One Green World is great.

So is Raintree Nursery, Burnt Ridge (smaller plants generally), Bay Flora, Hidden Springs, Edible Landscaping, Isons, Rolling River, Englandā€™s Nursery. There are many more that members here regularly use.

These are the oneā€™s Iā€™ve used and have had success with personally.



Who would have paw paws that are at least a foot or two and potted?

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Another order from Willis Orchard.

Spring Satin- Fair roots and starting to leaf.
2 Sur Anor poms- Potted but small. Great roots from cuttings.
2 Walnuts- Fair roots. Intact tap root, but not much fine root.

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Interesting to hear these comments on TyTy (Iā€™ve never ordered from them). It happens that the Google Maps Streetview car passed through their parking lot a couple of months ago and captured the scene at the nursery. It appears to be highly organized and well kept so I wouldnā€™t expect such comments. Good to know.

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They most likely just listed it as that name and will send whatever. Better luck elsewhere.


I think they have over a dozen websites maybe more. None of the nurseries are open to the public as far as i know.

Here is a good example ( i ordered from them too). They only list one thorny blackberry and sent me a thornless lol.

This is for sure TyTy https://www.preppergardens.com/default.asp box came from tyty and they fouled up my order too.

And i am almost sure this is them too https://www.caribbeangardenseed.com/
As of right now this one is straight up ripping people off. The only way to get your money is to file a dispute. They dont answer the phone or emails.

I only ordered from them because they list things that nobody else does and i gambled. I am fairly confident that you can order a peach tree from them and get an apple tree.

They thrive on messing with people.

TyTy is one of the only ones I have not tried. Never heard anyone say anything good about them.

Willis I have ordered from several times. They have given me excellent orders and worthless orders. In truth I donā€™t see them any worse than the others on-line. I have gotten good and bad from everyone except the potted dealers.


TyTy are dishonest thieves and ship you the wrong thing. Beware. How about a pawpaw tree
with a cut tap root and no other roots, DOA?


Wow! I cannot believe how sleazy that makes them.:grimacing:

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I hope they donā€™t read this site. If TYTYā€™s lawyers go after Scott and this website then weā€™re donešŸ˜ž

Itā€™s not illegal to say someone has a terrible product.