Wireless Deer Fence


Has anyone had luck using the Wireless Deer Fence?

Our 5 fruit trees are in an electric fence. But we have tree apple trees as “landscape” in our front yard with out a fence. last year the deer did little to no grazing. This year they have nibbled pretty hard.

The wireless deer fence sounds interesting. I would think a rap trap on a post would also send the same message but would need to be rebaited often.

Liquid fence may work. A neighbor hangs a bar of Irish Spring soap on his trees with decent success, they don’t like the odor.


The wireless fence looks interesting.

I’ve been using this spray product

It has been very effective and the ingredients as far as I can tell are all safe for consumption. It also has a peppermint scent, much more pleasant than the rotten eggs/ garlic, which is a consideration if your neighbors are close.

I do need to be very diligent about spraying after every rain (despite what the manufacturer website states) . To Clark’s point this makes it only feasible at a small scale

Never hear of this one. You could try it out and let us know how it works. Sounds in principle similar to baiting electric fence with a smell lure.