Yellow dots on an apple tree leaves


very young Skinners Seedling Apple leaves with yellow spots. is anybody knows what this is?
thanks Iol


Curious about this, too. I live not far from @Iol, but have’t seen anything like this on my own apples. I’m just a beginner, though; I’m hoping one of the more experienced folks here will recognize it.

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Look like nutrient deficiency. I just am not sure what it is. Look more like either boron or manganese to me. If it’s a few leaves, I would not worry but it’s on a lot of leaves, you may need to correct your soil.

People would suggest a soil test.

Here is the link I think you could compare your leaves to. Nutrient Deficiencies - Grow Abundant Gardens.


This looks like spider mites damage. They are the tiny insects living on the underside of the leaves. They like hot and dry weather. And need a magnifying glass to see them. Easy to kill with insecticides.

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Cool link! thanks

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You are welcome. I like seeing pics, making it easier to diagnose. I bookmarked it myself.

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Thanks for the tip. Looking under side of many leaves with magnifiying loop i found some kind of white fly skeletons. no sign of spider mites. new leaves are green and beautiful.
none of my other trees show the sign like that. When 0nly one tree looks sick, makes me panic.
i will bookmark the link, thanks
thanks for the support

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