Yet another apple ID request

I bought a scion of Orleans Reinette from a commercial source a few seaons ago, and now that it’s bearing, it certainly doesn’t look or taste like OR based on the descriptions that I’ve found. It’s ripe right now (in Northern California), and has pleasantly crisp, slightly off-white flesh that’s mildly sweet without much tartness.

It’s an interesting mottled orange/red, yellow where shaded, with prominent white lenticels.

The shape suggests a relative of Delicious. Might it be Hawkeye, or some descendent of RD? Based on this and the color, I compared it to descriptions of Kidd’s Orange Red, but it appears that KOR doesn’t really match up well.

Can anyone ID it?


Why not just Red Delicious?


Sure, it’s possible. I’ve only seen uniformly dark red RDs in the stores, and don’t have any knowledge of their range of coloration. They look like plausible RDs to you?

Red Delicious has dozens if not hundreds of sports. One of the factors they select for is getting as dark and uniformly red as possible and doing that early. Those are what they have at the grocery store.

That’s plenty red to be a Red Delicious.


Sounds reasonable to me. Thanks, guys!

Starkrimson Red Delicious gets deep red with slight faint striping on standard trees…so certainly the picture isn’t ‘too red’.

In fact, the yellow patch of skin makes me wonder if it’s red delicious.

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It can be Hawkeye, which is the original Delicious, see photos here: Search NFC
As said above, there have been many steps on the long road from the old Hawkeye to uniformly dark red sports sold in supermarkets nowadays.


Does seem possible, based on those images. It’s almost certainly somewhere on the Delicious spectrum, and seemingly much closer to Hawkeye than recent variations.

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I too think it’s a delicious variety. My grandfather told me to count how many bumps on end. If it’s five it’s a delicious variety.


Instead of starting a new thread I figured I would just post this in this thread. I have a tree that was suppose to be a Red Jonathan apple. It was bought at Lowes so I have my doubts now :grin: The apple looks more like a Gala or something along those lines, I only have a couple pics of the last apple from this year. My wife and little girl already split this apple, so I can’t get any more pics of it unfortunately. The Japanese beetles got several of the last ones before I noticed :man_facepalming:


Looks like two different apples…shapes much different.

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It is just both sides of the same apple. It was a bit lopsided :blush:


Still I say 2 apples.


I’ll buy that. Interesting coloration. Reminds me a little of Shenandoah, but you’re unlikely to find that at Lowe’s.

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Looks a bit like a Jonagold (maybe)?

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It does favor that apple quite a bit and Lowes (or rather the nursery that supplied it to them) could have made error simply from the fact that they had some generic tags left from some red Jonathan apple trees :+1:


Another possible suspect but as you said it isn’t as likely it coming from Lowes… Thanks for the input though :+1:

Looks identical to my Orleans apple. Not Orleans Reinette but Orleans antique. Here in northern AZ it’s my favorite apple so far. (young orchard) Sweet with a little tartness. Very precocious and dependable. 1924 cross of delicious and deacon jones.

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