Do you plant your young trees/seedlings (grafted or not) in a nursery row first or directly in their field home? If both, have you noticed any difference?
I lost some that I planted in the field last spring. I was not able to be there daily to weed/mulch or to water. I planted the remaining peach seedlings in a small area in the garden. They are substantially bigger now and I will try transplanting them this spring, hopefully they will do better.
Derby42 pretty well summed it up. The biggest benefit of a nursery is to simplify care and often to provide a higher level of care. If you can plant them in a field and “baby” them then that is the route to go as you do not suffer a set back when they are dug and transplanted. However if you cant provide a higher level of care in the field, allow the trees to get some size before planting in the field.