2016 Stone Fruit Harvest

I would double ditto that for everyone on this list. When someone gives helpful advice I look to see what zone they are in to interpret how I can use it. Growing zone, general location, sometimes average rainfall and altitude give growers clues. Just sayin’ :slightly_smiling:

Zone and city added.

How much do they ripen before. I just planted a redhaven and im trying to get my hands on snow queen. I think redhaven ripens in mid july here and snow queen is early july. Id like to find something even earlier, if i could

I’m not sure? See what I can find…
Well Dave Wilson has a chart for California, Check it out

it seems like you can add about a month to all those for my location. What is the reason that certain varieties won’t do well farther north? Like, just looking at the earliest peach, as an example Erlitreat yellow peach. Would late frosts wipe out the blossoms?

Well some are low chill so any warm spell, and if they met chill requirements they will start to grow. Whereas longer chill types tend not to do that. So yes the frosts get them. In Michigan here it usually warms up at once and stays warm. So it usually isn’t much of a problem. it is this year though!
I would go with the ones I suggested because they are proven OK in the North East, and where you are it should be fine. Also most early types are terrible peaches. The ones I mentioned are good for early peaches. Again most early peaches suck! Others may chime in as to what other early peaches are good.

There are so many good nurseiries in Oregon such as One. Grren World, Raintree, Burnt Ridge, Van well, Whitman Farm, to name a few.

If I were you, I would call one of them and ask the question.

12 inches of snow yesterday. No fruit for a while.


Flavor Delight Apriums are not ready yet, but they are looking pretty.


Flavor Delight 4/28

Flavor Delight Aprium 5/7


Mine are a little bit behind schedule due to the below average temperatures.

Have you tried to do a brix test?

Mine aren’t ready either. Probably another week or so. We have had thunderstorms last few days, luckily the hail missed me, but it is supposed to be back in the upper 80s and low 90s this upcoming week. I have only turned on the drip line once since winter, which is amazing being in the central valley.

First ones came in at 21 brix, still pretty firm. My buddy at Shasky Farms, says that the commercial growers generally pack (apricots) at 16-18 brix for shipping. Farmers markets brix should be higher.

I’m supposed to have a dry year here, so I’m hoping for high brix numbers this season! I don’t trust the forecasts though. We just have to wait and see…

My first little Stone Fruit Harvest of the season – Flavor Delight Aprium (2nd leaf). Would have given them a couple more weeks, but the ants were already harvesting. Not amazing, but tasty.


Picked the last 5 flavor delight apriums today. Had a total of 75 apriums on a 3rd leaf tree, and have been picking them over the last two weeks. Brix has been a high of 27 and a low of 19. The vast majority had a brix rating in the low 20’s. They have been very good this year, I was surprised that they were quite a bit better than the 19 brix Robadas that I got at the farmers market.