2024 - 25 asian pears part 2 - there are so many more than this

This is not my list rather a direct quote from here 25 Types of Asian Pears: A to Z | Photos - Butter N Thyme

" * 20th Century Asian Pear


Please see 2024 - 25 asian pears part 1 - there are so many more than this - #134 by NorthernNY4B


These also exist. Shinglo and Yakumo etc.


I have Megistsu in the ground…

Meigetsu Asian pears are pleasantly sweet with the flavour and aroma being compared to pineapples, watermelon, and butterscotch. The flesh is somewhat softer than other Asian pears, making the texture more akin to that of European pears.

Ping Guo Li Pear is interesting… the actor in the film not so much.

Amazing cultivation in Japan


‘Daisui Li’’ blooms at the same time as ‘Chojuro’, and as Nijisseiki (20th Century)

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This is why the pears are 11$+ in Japan, 8$+ in south Korea, and 6.5$ here in the pnw


…Bro… :joy::rofl: it said the variety on the box this entire time…

Dammit. Now i need a singo


Sorry melon, as the arbitrary comptroller of pears and pear growers, I hereby deny your request to grow Singo. You’ll have to make do with something more mundane until your experience level is a tad higher. :slight_smile: :smiley: :open_mouth:


:cookie: here’s a cookie. Reverse the decision please!

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Im not a comptroller or any kind of controller or expert but i grow
Niitaka. :crazy_face: :rofl: :wink: :us: So can most anyone.

新高。 Singo/Shingo/Niitaka aka. The King of Pears in Japan

Shingo pears are labor-intensive and hand-harvested, making them a premium variety sold at high prices in the market. The variety is also widely known as Niitaka pears or Singo pears and is sometimes generally labeled as Korean pears, Apple pears, Bae, or Asian pears in commercial markets. Shingo pears are favored for their large size, aqueous nature, and sweet taste. In Asia, Shingo pears are often given as gifts and are transported in protective packaging to prevent their skin from being damaged. The variety is popular in Japan and Korea and is also exported to Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia, where they are sold as premium fresh fruits.

Highly productive, ‘Niitaka,’ aka ‘Singo,’ is noted for its abundance of large caramel-russet fruit with an occasional pink blush. The flesh is off-white with a crisp, juicy texture and mild, melon-like flavor.

Looks like a must have for someone named Melon.


I have a niitaka coming in :grin::pear:

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We’re in the process of putting in an additional 135 A. Pear this Spring


We have about 20 more mature trees (Shinko, Shinseiki, Chujoru, Hosui, Atago, 20th Century… all great pear fwiw). I’ve also planted a few more unusual ones for us (I grafted these->) Hayatama, Yakumo, Zoa Su Li, Shinsui, and Taylor


I have records on Hayatama, Yakumo, and Shinsui. Is Zoa Su Li a misspelling of Zao Su Li? And is Taylor aka Taylor’s Gold?

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Yes, I misspelled it, sorry, was working from memory and I only have two(2), just planted but were in pots for a year among +50 others, so they don’t get a lot of my attention to remember what they are.

No, not Taylor’s Gold
Taylor (TAP) → Taylor Apple Pear (TAP) – Green Barn Farm

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