39thparallel open his u-pick orchard to the public

Browsing Mikes website recently i noticed his intention to open a you pick orchard to the public. I confirmed with Mike his intentions are to sell some fruit since he grows a lot. It is by appointment only. This will give everyone a huge oppurtunity to taste that ultra rare apple or pear they were thinking of planting. The reason i point this out is because if your in Kansas you also know what grows in Kansas and what it looks and tastes like before you plant it. In addition you know how it produces.

If you want to see and taste the seedling apple that bears my name https://growingfruit.org/t/clarks-crabapple this is a great oppurtunity! I’m only pointing this out because i get a lot of requests to come to my orchard. My orchard is not open to the public. I frequently get a lot of requests wanting to come out. Im usually working hard on some project and it seems to seldom be a good time. I make time to post on the forum and love to help people. My time is very limited. If you want to see a 2 or 3 pound apple or a 2 ounce apple please hit up Mike thats what he does.

I never sell any of my trees that is not what i do. i do things like breeding apples like the one in the photo for fun. Please dont ask me to sell fruit trees, scions etc i dont. People like 39th parallel, turkey creek, cliff england and other members of our community sell trees.
If you can catch Cliff Englands open to the public it is a huge oppurtunity. I have only seen that on video. Im really impressed @KYnuttrees orchard just like @39thparallel. These guys are doing it right in my opinion. The good thing is these guys all sell stuff that no one but them sells! This is a not for profit website. I work for Scott for free just like he works for all of you for free because we love growing fruit. Mamuang , olpea, fruitnut all work for Scott like i do for free to help others to grow fruit.



I assume you all are the “usual traffic?”



Maybe Cliffs might be closer. Here is one of his past events. @KYnuttrees gave us an update for his tours are also by appointment this year. Here is what Cliffs site says




Hey dear, ran to the store to try some apples. See you soon.


Oh wow this sounds like a great opportunity! Only an 1 hour and 30 minute drive for me.


Made it over to Mike’s orchard. Getting to try all the different types of apples was an awesome experience. Made some decisions on some apple trees I want to get next spring, Empire is very sweet tasting.


Thanks for coming out. I appreciate it. that’s a bit of a road trip. I’m impressed with what you’re growing in your greenhouse.