Aging of a peach tree

I was talking abut the yellow “peach pie” peach, it had a very creamy texture like a mango but the taste I could swear was more apricot than peach. When I saw the smooth light brown “plum type” seed it surprised me.

But I would love a Saturn peach tree as well, I also really like them because the fruit stays small. The few times I’ve bought them they were all very dryish though - not as juicy as the white flesh I am used to so they seem to be better for baking with. Some of my trees produce peaches I can juice like oranges and when using to bake thats way too much juice.

Peaches are my fave fruit by far, even more than the delicious watermelon and gold kiwi lol there’s a type for every day or mood. I also really love the white flesh nectarines as I am MAJORLY allergic to the peach fuzz, I break out in hives lol I dunno why I have never tried to grow a nectarine…

Thank you for the reply, I have seriously been looking for peach ice cream with NO success since my grandmother passed away back in 2007. 14 years is a LONG time to not see peach ice cream at a grocery store. i do not know the reason why. Its so strange… yet theres literally 2+ dozen choices with peanut butter or chocolate in it. Bleh. haha

As for the info in your post it is all very accurate - the peaches I grow at home are so very juicy and I realized that was the problem after the first time making ice cream so I put less peaches in smaller chucks and absolutely NO pureed peach and still the ice cream turned into ice. I then tried vanilla without peach and the same thing happened. I’m not sure if its possible to make soft serve ice cream at home and then have it stay “soft” after putting in the freezer. The only ice cream I know that stays soft that way is the DQ Dilly Bar, when you buy a 6 pack of them they will stay “soft” even after being in the freezer a month so there’s gotta be some nasty chemical that makes it stay soft which I prob don;t want anyway =D

It would be nice if I could just drive over to the Kroger or Safeway and just be able to buy a quart or gallon of Peach ice Cream from Dolly Madison or Breyers the way I always did all my life all the way up until maybe 2005-ish. Home made ice cream is freakin DELICIOUS … BUT only for that first hour after being made. You have to eat it all that same day bevcause if you freeze it, it’ll turn to a block of ice that takes the microwave or several minutes of thawing… and it’s a hassle and chore to start from scratch will peeling/pitting all the way to the final product. I dont want to make ice cream every 2 weeks but I could def eat peach ice cream every night before bed.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Sorbets, Ice Creams, Yogurts and all things Frozen or Slightly Chilled

Will one of you fabulous admins please move Oscars tips for fruit ice cream making to the Fruit in the Kitchen category. I just don’t know how to move posts. Thanks so much, Mrs. G. We don’t want to lose these great tips and instructions. Thanks again!

Oscar, both of your posts about ice cream are excellent. Can you please start a new thread for them in the Fruit in the Kitchen category as that is where they really belong. Your info and instructions are wonderful and should not be lost. Maybe you can just cut and paste. I hope so. Thank you so much, Mrs. G

Hi, while we are on the topic of older peach trees I wanted share two of my mums trees. This one is neither pretty or especially impressive but at least 23 years old. It did not recieve much pruning or care until a few years ago, when I cut it back pretty heavily. It had a big crop last year so I thinned it out some more and grafted a few other varieties to it. It reacts pretty well to my pruning and produces young shoots. I’m sure I can get it back in shape. A lot of the new groth is pretty high up an not in the picture.

The other one is a couple of years younger. It is a little bigger and was healthier when I started caring for it. It is loaded with flower buds right now and I’m pretty happy with the shape now.

Both trees are in pretty bad soil, very heavy clay. In the field they grow much bigger. It’s a pretty normal white fleshed peach that grows true to seed. It probably comes from bohemia and has been grown in my family for probably a hundred years. Other trees have survived -30 °C in winter. I really don’t live in a good climate for peaches but rarely lose a crop to late frosts. Last year a -5 °C frost in April thinned the flowers a lot, but there were plenty left.


@mrsg47 Thanks for the compliment Mrs Gibson.

I cannot figuere out how to move the posts to a topic either.

I can make a new topic for it. (just “discovered” there is a fruit in the kitchen catogorie like you said XD)
But id rather do that another time when i have more time. Still got grafts to make.

And if i start a topic i want to do it “properly” verivy/dubblecheck add a few recepies and photo’s if i can find em.

I also wanna search for my handwriten notes and recepies. It’s somwhere in a moving box together with my broken icecream macine. That i still wanna fix, but now am thinking of replacing whith a fancier version. Did not realise how much i miss the homemade icecream till i started writing about it XD

ill start a topic in a few weeks/month and see if i can add the recepies and mabey a link/reference for some of the “principles”

for the time being if you wanna find it back i think you can bookmark posts to find them back.

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23y old and surviving heavy pruning. Thats still quite impressive.

Or at least to me. Im newer to peach growing. But have looked a lot at other peoples tree’s both in RL and online. They seem to get a lot of blind wood. And verry little to almost no latent buds. Seen a few people kill their tree by pruning it back to far, and no longer having a bud that could grow. Or ofc the peach curl killed enough buds and there weren’t enough viable buds for the tree to recover.

Are you in europe to? Bohemia is in czech right? Or did you take the seeds with you from there?

Im in the EU, and would be intrested in trading some scions or seeds next dormant season. I have no peach tree’s yet. But your variety seems like a really nice one to add. Most peaches here loose a lot of crops to -1 or -2 frost. I can’t offer you much peach scionwood, but i am building quite the collections of apple varieties . and got a few pears plums etc. So maybe we could trade apple scions for peach. Or somthing like that. (also got a few quinces medlars and other stuff)


Yes, I’m in europe. We can trade scions next winter and I can also send you seeds, it only takes 3-4 years to the first fruit and they make very good rootstocks. Peach leaf curl wasn’t a problem for me in the last years.
These trees certainly have latent buds even on old (~10y) wood. I usually cut them quite high in spring and a second time a few months later just above the ne shoots.

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I have many such trees that I manage- 3 on my own property. I haven’t commented on the magical white peach that is the topic here but it has not been pruned in a manner of any peach tree I have access to. Vigorous peach trees always require heavy pruning to keep fresh wood growing reasonably close to the ground and exposed to full sun.

One thing so impressive about the fruit in Colorado’s photos is their size coming from a tree that does not seem “properly” managed at all. It would be a nightmare to thin the fruit in that tree so I’m wondering if it isn’t a shy bearer that produces relatively small crops because of low fruit set. That would help it to produce larger fruit.

When they say peaches normally live to be 15 years old, they are talking not about the natural life-span of the trees but when they are culled because of a reduction in productivity per acre that makes them commercially worthless. Margins are tight, after all.

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I’m not fabulous, just super awesome :wink: but I think I successfully moved Oscar’s ice cream posts to the Fruit and Kitchen category.

If anyone wants to see Oscars extremely helpful ideas and tricks on making ice cream soft, along with some hints using fruit in ice cream, head on over to this existing topic in the Fruit and Kitchen category. The topic is linked above where I moved the posts, but here it is again.


Well now I dont know how to reply to Oscar about his ice cream. I dont see why it mattered, they were both about peaches/peach trees. =/ He surely looks like he knows what he’s doing I wish I knew someone like him in town so I could pay them tpo make my ice cream for me haha

Anyw ay awesome pictures Tom I swear that red metal roof looks like the funeral home near my house and the house next door does have peach trees too hahah. I know youre not in Denver but it could have fooled me. I like the shape of your pruned tree I have several 15-18 yr old trees and one thats about 26 and then my old 40 yr old tree and I never pruned any of my trees and they turn into wild multi trunked monstrosities lol

You know whats kinda funny/sad… someone asked a few days back if the weather affects my peach crops and how often I get them. I “bragged” that I get a crop at least every other year even if it’s just a small one. Well last night it snowed again 3.5 inches, it wasnt much but it was still pretty cold and the blossoms were in full bloom on half of my trees. I didnt get a crop last summer so I figured this year would be the bumper crop that always follows… well I am not sure I’ll be getting peaches on these 4 trees. The others weren;t quite as far along so maybe they’ll have a better chance.

Be careful what you say, it could come back to bite ya in the ass! =D

To reply to his posts about ice cream, feel free to click on the link provided. That should take you directly to his posts about ice cream. You should be able to respond to his posts there. It would be as if the ice cream conversation was continued in the topic, “Sorbets, Ice Creams, Yogurts and all things Frozen or Slightly Chilled”.

I agree the comments sort of fit with peaches and trees. Many comments are loosely related (some very loosely related) to the topic under which they are posted. But excellent reference information about ice creams or sorbets fits better under that topic.

It’s something admins really don’t try to manage much. We more or less just let the conversation flow as members direct it. I myself am frequently guilty of straying off topic.

I personally like the “feel” of conversation in a topic, which enhances a sense of “community” on the forum vs. trying to force everyone to stick rigidly to the topic at hand. I’ve been a member of a forum before where no one was allowed to stray “off-topic”. This, in effect, made some members feel like it was their job to be the “topic police”. It wasn’t a very conversational forum in that regard. Members ended up having to be very guarded about straying the least bit off topic, else they may be admonished for straying.

In this case a member specifically asked to the post be moved under a category more specific to the contents of the posts. The author of the posts agreed, so I moved the posts, noting them in this thread via the links above.

It can be helpful for members to have really great reference information in a post, under a topic which best describes the posts therein. If someone were to look for information about how to make excellent soft ice cream, they would be much more likely to find it in the topic about ice cream, vs. a topic “Aging of a peach tree”

Hope that explains why I moved the posts. It’s not something admins do very often.


@ColoradoWhitePeach you can click the link and ask questions in the “ice cream” topic :slight_smile:

A shame about the snow/frost. I hope you still get somewhat of a crop. Or at least enough to experiment a bit with different ice cream recepies :slight_smile:

@Olpea thanks for moving my replies. As Mrs Gibson said, they fit better in another catogory. Extra thanks for even hunting down a topic that fit my reply. :grin:

i normaly tend to go off topic a somewhat. But it felt wierd replying to 2 different people about widely different things in the same topic. Seems better now.


Thanks Olpea!!!

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I lost about 80% of my peach crop this plums and non showy peach blossoms withstood the cold much better than the showy peach blossoms. It hurts to lose so much though. I hope next year is better.

You mean 80% of your trees are frozen out I assume. How do you reckon, have the trees already ejected the blossoms or fruitletts?

Usually I have to cut open the fruitletts to find out early about losses and look for brown centers. When they are brown you may still hope but I’ve never had such hopes come true.