Anna & Dorsett Golden Apple Trees! Oh My!

This year was NUTZ for these two apple trees. The Dorsett Golden is on a dwarf rootstock…unknown…HD $5 special. I think this is it’s 5th season…2nd season allowed to fruit. Tree is about 6 or 7 feet tall by basically the same wide.

Anna Apple 7th year I believe…another HD special…unknown rootstock…not a dwarf. Pruned to open center and is about 7 or 8 feet tall by 10 or 11 feet wide.


That’s an excellent choice for your location :slight_smile:


Great looking trees and nice looking fruit this year.

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Keep testing them for ripeness frequently, they hang on the tree long after they’ve gone mushy (dont’ go by color). Pick the Annas slightly on the green side for pies, they make absolutely killer pies that you can smell coming out of the oven two blocks away.


Wow they are gorgeous!!!

@puggylover75 I love the dwarf tree in the first picture. Is it the dwarf Dorsett Golden? Please post back on how both apples taste.


Yes, the Anna’s turns mushy fairly quick. Very small window for fresh eating. I use my summer apples typically for preserving as they are not my favorite for fresh eating. Dorsett, for me is the better of the two. Still nice to have a fresh apple in summer tho!

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Thank you. That dwarf tree is my easiest tree…I love it! I did not let it set much fruit if any the first few years for fear of it runting out. Once it got to size I let it do it’s thing. It is the Dorsett Golden apple.

Dorsett has a nice sweet tart balance but is not as crisp as I like. Anna for me is a little more appley and sweeter but turns mushy very quickly. Both picked at the right time are good, just do not store. Dorsett does hold up better than Anna… especially if you refrigerate. I use these apples for all my sauce for the year. This year tho I had to find other things to do too.


Agreed… awesome pies!

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There’s a lot more you could be growing to extend out your season; Bramley and Williams’ Pride for late summer, Coconut Crunch, Cinnamon Spice, and Crimson Gold for fall, Dixie Red Delight, King David for winter, Lady Williams and Sundowner for late winter.


Thank you for the recommendations! I have a lot of those, most are young. My apple collection consists of:

Dorsett Golden
Williams Pride
Hooples Antique Gold
Gold Rush
Pink Lady
Lady Williams
Dixie Red Delight
Rocking Ham Red (Allum)

I have absolutely NO idea what I was thinking growing all these apples…I am just nuts I guess. lol
I can always sell or donate right!


wow, those trees are loaded, I’m jealous…makes me think I need to add a couple more trees this year.

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Nice looking apples. What two are those?

Top is Dixie Red Delight, bottom is King David.


TY for clarifying these. I thought perhaps the bottom one was King David by the color. Pretty apples.


I know exactly what you mean about growing so many apples. Once I got started it was like I could not stop. " just one more variety". I have 25 different types of semi dwarf apple trees now. I have no idea what I am going to do with the apples once the trees all get larger and start producing a tree full of apples. I am not sure if this is a good or bad problem to have. Time will tell, right? LOL


I’d say it’s a good problem.


Holy cow, Jennifer you got a lot of apple trees! Haha. I just came across this post as I was looking for info on Anna. I ordered a Dorsett golden and a golden delicious, now I’m thinking adding Anna to my list so it can cross pollinate Dorsett. Sorry nice you have them both, I think it can’t go wrong with those two.
Thank you

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Hello Miss waters, my name is Henry and I am a Sierra Leonean by birth. I am kindly asking you that you help me with some seedlings of your collection of apples… especially the ones like Anna dorsett that can be grown in the tropics. You can pls contact me further on +23277478235 or by Facebook Henry karrow kamara or LinkedIn or Twitter @ karrow_kamara or mail by thanks in advance and may God bless you.
