Another 2017 sciowood list

Lots of nice scion wood on this list I’ve not dealt with Masonville orchard before so maybe someone else can comment on their reliability. There are lots of other scion sites out there. Their is a lot of sciowood out there this year. It seems many people have decided to sell scionwood as a part time or full time income.


I ordered from them last year and everything seemed fine.

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What surprises me is how few people were selling it before. It seems a better return for the $$ than selling trees.

My suspicion has always been nurseries don’t like selling wood if they sell trees, they feel they are competing with themselves – someone buying the $5 stick would have bought the $20 tree if they were not selling sticks. With the Internet a lot of mom and pop nurseries have popped up and they are much less concerned about competing with themselves, plus scionwood-only sources. With that change some medium-size nurseries are starting to get in the scionwood game in the last few years (e.g. Big Horse Creek).


I’ve actually lost two main scion suppliers this winter, they only sell trees now. For me up here there really was only 3 and then GRIN. I am down to 1 so I hope the trend for more people to sell scions catches on where I live.
I get that the smaller mom and pop operations will find scion sales to be profitable. A $20 one or two year old tree has some overhead attached to it. It needs a rootstock, grafting, care, planting, pruning etc. And they would need more space to keep all these little trees.

Maybe the medium sized operations have read this forum :slight_smile: and noticed that fruit enthusiasts will sometimes sink more money into scions than a new tree they have to find space for. Maybe I should say I…I will sink more money. LOL

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Yep, I’ve had good dealings with Walt as well.

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I have ordered from Walt as well in the past. Friendly, good service. Like he says on his site though some of the scion wood isnt as large of diameter as some people like.

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I’ve ordered from Masonville. Stick was smallish but customer service from Walt was prompt and satisfactory. I recieved a stick of Suncrisp apple. The scion took AND grew vigorously, so it was a successful and happy transaction. Mind you, Suncrisp is known to be a vigorous variety, and it was grafted onto a strong and powerful 111 understock. But success is success.

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I ordered from Masonville in 2015
I couldn’t find my order list, but I know I got several varieties, and they all grew well.
(I had three varieties fail completely with scionwood from another source…maybe 12 trees)
Walt was friendly, and the order was shipped out timely.
I would definitely order from there again.

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I also have been pleased with my orders from Walt. I used to live just minutes from his orchard but didn’t know it!

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Our scions are typically 1/4" in diameter and 8" - 12" long. If you are looking for “pencil” size diameters, try another vendor, in our climate, we do not get that type of growth in a year.

Not sure I understand this. Haha. I just took calipers and measured a #2 pencil and it’s exactly 1/4"

Also, aren’t some of these patented? I really hoped to find Pixie Crunch Scions from someone here but thought the variety was patented. Yet it’s on their scion list.

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Not sure how that works. My understanding is if you graft patented types you send in a per tree fee. I’m not sure how you would send that fee in. Maybe someone else would know that.

The Pixie Crunch patent has expired.

There is no way for individual grafters to pay any per-tree fee, only licensed propagators should be propagating a patented variety. Since 99% of fruit trees are for commercial operations I don’t think the patent holders care about a few people grafting a tree of their variety for personal use, but its illegal.

Oh thats great to know! That being said, anyone with Pixie Crunch please send me a scion or two. Haha. Actually, I’ll post my scion offering probably at the end of January or early February so I’ll hopefully find it then.

Unless I completely misunderstand the patent process, Pixie Crunch does not come off patent until 12/21/2021.

@HighandDry, I think you might be right. The PRI website cites Crosby 1993, but the patent for Co-op 33 has a priority date in 2001.

The patent doesn’t list the trademarked name but it seems to be referring to Pixie Crunch.

Yes, I just pulled the 1993 off some expired apple patents list I found but it was wrong. Don’t trust everything you read on the Internet :smile:

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I finally stopped chasing illicit Pixie Crunch scionwood on the black market and bought myself a full-blown tree from Cummins for March delivery. That apple is the real deal.

Or as one of my favorite Presidents was fond of saying "It must be true if you read it on the internet! - Abraham Lincoln :grin:

Actually I stole that tag line from another internet user.

I haven’t seen that one before but have a number of other PRI releases. interested to hear reviews.