Any experience with Early Flavorich peach?

I’m looking for a super early peach and was going to go for a Flavorich (aka Rich May), but on Vaughn’s site, they also have something called Early Flavorich which is listed as ripening 6 days earlier than Flavorich.

Has anyone ever tried Early Flavorich? Any comparison with Flavorich?

(I know some people don’t care for Rich May/Flavorich, but I had some great peaches off my now-dead tree and am looking to replace it or improve on it.)


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This is one of the few descriptions that i can find of it. (orchard in Texas).

Early Flavorich – First peach, fruit medium, obtuse, heart-shaped pigmented flesh with yellow/red

Flavorich – dark red, firm, pigmented flesh with yellow/red, large size for early variety

So looks like a smaller peach that is about 10 days earlier. I guess one could add the ‘heart shaped’ to it also being different.

I guess it can be added to the list of peaches that can have ‘red-flesh’… but this grower calls it pigmented… which is probably more proper.

That post was six years ago. I’d be interested to know if he ever got it and if it was any good though. I’d try it, but far as I know there is nowhere to get scions of it.

The whole tree is only $8. I looked it back up after someone said they were adding it for 2025.

Probably me. And the utter lack of information is part of why I’m adding one; hopefully in a few years I’ll have something to report.

Do the same! I’m putting it in a pretty tough spot so it will be a coin toss if it lives.

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That’s super cheap, you have a link?

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Vaughn I assume?

Their prices are for wholesale though; they’re not going to make a living filling small orders at wholesale prices. I haven’t gotten my final invoice yet but I asked them to increase their handling fee to whatever would make a retail order actually worth their time.

Yes…and no. Cumberland Valley Nursery. You can browse the PDF from last years catalog on this link… but you have to call them for a new catalog and they will mail or email you one. Everything ive gotten from them is doing wonderfully.

They have a great peach section, but they also have a $100 min. order. Not much in the catalog for apples and pears though. Guess stone fruits are their thing.

There is no minimum order - regardless of what the brochure says. They’ll ship a single tree. They also typically have more than what’s listed in the brochure. I’d recommend speaking directly with Nick if you call.

Their shipping season is usually now through March.