Anyone else love Passiflora (passion fruit) like I do? I may be a little obsessed and have too many

I lost both my calabash during the really bad winter we had this year in SoCal. They were in smaller pots and I think they just drowned from all the rain. Hoping to pick one up again.


@shaxs if you ever trim back a banana let me know :blush: Iā€™ll buy some cuttings.


Will do!


Iā€™m growing Incense this year which like you said is "a hybrid of the North American Maypop ( Passiflora incarnata) and the Brazilian Passiflora cincinnata.
I thought One Green World says it bears fruit but not sure in zone 7a/7b where Im at. I wonder what kinda crosses would be fun to do with that one. Cross it back with a Maypop to make it cold hardier? Cross it with some other variety that tastes even better but retains some of originalā€™s cold hardyness (so it can at least grow back from the ground roots in zone 7)?

EDIT: i do see some people interested in breeding work in this permies thread;

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@armyofda12mnkeys I bought ā€œIncenseā€ from One Green World a few years back, and it turned out to be what I believe to be ā€œPurple Hazeā€ (a cross between P. caerulea and P. amethystina) instead.

Here are my photos of what I got from them. Note the large stipules at the base of the petiole and the three lobed leaves with no serrations.
image (4)
image (3)
image (2)
image (1)

Now here are photos of ā€œIncenseā€ from the website Passiflora Incense - Passiflora Online

Note the serrations on the leaves, the absence of stipules at the base of the petiole, the the typical leaf with five lobes instead of three like above.

OGWā€™s customer service still told me what I had received from them was ā€œIncenseā€ after I sent them these photos. They said my plant looked just like theirs.

The ā€œPurple Hazeā€ flowers are beautiful, but the fruit isnā€™t really edible and it isnā€™t hardy for me in Zone 7b. Iā€™d be curious if what you received from them looks like the same thing I got, or if they were able to source the real ā€œIncense.ā€


Their pink pop looks like a generic p. incarnata (in my experience). It def does not look like the picture. I have gotten it twice to grow out after thinking the first was a mistake.

The best strain of p. incarnata iā€™ve had was one from Chris Homenics (I forgot spelling sorry Chris) in southern IN). Iā€™ve tried several. This one appears to be the one that gives me the largest fruit. Itā€™s been floating around out there as ā€œimproved maypopā€


Lovely! Iā€™m not nearly at the master level you are at but I have these so far. Iā€™m also in Zone 10.

Sweet Calabash
Red Rover
Purple Possum

And I want to get:
Ruby Glow,

I havenā€™t hand pollinated yet but got a few fruit on the Purple Possum last year. They were excellent, especially when allowed to fall off the vine naturally.

My sweet calabash also grew really well and then stalled over the winter and lost most of its leaves. We will see if it flowers this year. No flowers last year.

I have to try the hand pollination this year.

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I grew possum purple and black knight along with frederick in buried pots last year, then overwintering them in garage. Black knight is described as a dwarfing compact growth, but I think itā€™s more that the vigor is low. The internodes arenā€™t really shorter or anything. And possum purpleā€™s vigor wasnā€™t as good as frederick imo.



Wondering how/if you and @ncdabbler and @shaxs and others prune and/or fertilize your Passifloras?

The ones I have so far are in the ground though I suspect Iā€™ll run out of space and start putting newer varieties in pots :slight_smile:

I heard from someone who grows a lot of passion fruit - mainly as a big hedge - that they usually prune back about 1/3rds to 2/3rds of the growth each year and it comes roaring back and flowers and fruits extensively. Iā€™ve barely pruned so far since the vines havenā€™t covered the area Iā€™ve set aside for them but maybe I need to tip the vines to encourage spreading and encourage shoot growth. IDK.

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I have friends that grow them in Hawaii. Itā€™s basically that a hedge on a fence. You can prune as much as you want and they comes back like crazy. Itā€™s a heavy feeder during fruiting and benefits from plenty of water. I basically treat it like watermelon at that point. You want the fruit as full as possible. It will half fill fruit if you skimp on water or nutrients.

I have a family member that refers to them as booger-water-fruit, but I still love them nonetheless.


I got a small banana and possum purple I was thinking of planting under the live oak to protect them during the winter, however not sure they can climb it fast enough to survive/thrive and fruit. Iā€™m sure my winters would at least kill them back to the ground at least. Got a pink pop from OGW last year and it grew well but didnā€™t bloom last year so we will see this year how it does. Itā€™s yet to break ground


@ncdabbler @JustPeachy , i actually sent OGW an email couple years ago asking them if this was pinkpop. It didnā€™t seem look like their picā€¦ and they said it was a lavender pink as the description says (eh not sure about that).

Here is what I grew (still very pretty but seems to look like the regular maypop I also grew):

vs their pic:


@armyofda12mnkeys I would need to sort through my pictures, but I had the same thing. Called OGW and then got another one as a replacement. Second one was still the same appearance-wise. I actually ended up getting a third pink pop from RT, and they all produced the same appearance as a wild or generic incarnata.


@armyofda12mnkeys what about the leaves on your Incense - five lobed leaves with serrations? Or three lobed leaves without serrations?


Well i got from an Etsy seller since OGW was sold out still last month. Seems like 3 lobed. Very small plant


Okay, I thought you bought it from OGW. Those leaves could change as the plant matures, but it definitely doesnā€™t look like Purple Haze. Iā€™m still interested in getting the real Incense if I can, so Iā€™ll look forward to hearing/seeing what the mature leaves, flowers and fruit look like on yours. Thanks for sharing this picture.


Iā€™ll let you know if they are ā€˜trueā€™ later in the summer.
P.S. they are sold out of Incense now, but this is the other Passiflora plants this Etsy vendor i bought from has.


I wasnā€™t as impressed with incense fruit. For me passiflora are dual purpose, fruit and flowers. If it canā€™t enjoy some ā€˜booger-water-fruitā€™ at the end of the season, I donā€™t really want it, as overwintering is a pain.


I picked up Passiflora edulis flavicarpa from Codyā€™s Cove because I havenā€™t been able to find the banana. Iā€™m pretty excited to try this one. I also need to order one of the maypop cultivars.