Anyone Still Eating Homegrown 2023 Apples?

Getting down to my last few Api Étoilé. They’re shriveled and not so pretty looking. But still crisp and tasty.

What are you still pulling out of the cellar/fridge?


Well, they’re on the way out, but I have fairly decent Karmijn de Sonnaville, some Ginger Gold, and I think a few Wealthy, and I might find one or two usable Liberties in the downstairs fridge.


I’ll eat my Goldrush well into May, still crunchy, good.


Goldrush is too tart, and too hard for me. But they make amazing good pies! I picked a half bushel from an orchard in November, and they lasted till end of February.


Suncrisp is still feeding me, despite my best efforts to turn them into mush (ie. keeping them in a heated basement for 2 months before moving them to my unheated garage). Not to mention these apples dropped all of their leaves during the summer due to leaf blotch!

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My goldrush largely lose their shape when I cook them. I can only get a small number of them in a pie as grout for the apples that keep their shape.

Mine have been consumed

Perhaps its the recipe to blame; see my pie photo below:


I have a bushel of Yates left. They are still very good as fresh eaters.


Looks delicious!

I just ate my last Roxbury Russet yesterday, the texture was not as firm as first picked, more like McIntosh.

These are the last the Crunch A Bunch on the left and SunCrisp on the right. Both are in a good shape. The red ones are unknown. They started to wrinkled.

I have had several Crunch A Bunch lately. They were very good for both texture and taste. My last Sun Crisp was firm but not crisp. Both are wonderful apples for storage for me (for 4-6 months before they were gone).

@Ahmad I have found that if my Gold Rush is closer to ripen (very pale green with some yellow on skin), they store well and the tartness went down, the longer they are stored.

In my yard, Gold Rush often does not even “close to ripen” when temp drops to 20’sF. I have decided to go with Crunch A Bunch and keep a limb of Gold Rush in stead of the whole tree.


Nope, finished up in Jan with fridge apples. could have gone to Feb or more is I had more apple production this year. Only have 3 apples and 2 didn’t produce. Those apples look like what I find with abandoned fruit trees here when I’d forage. Maybe a little worse!

Nice looking apples! Our apples are usually disease prone.
Ugly, but still tasty.

I have sprayed synthetic a few times and bagged them.

I just checked. There’s one Honey Gold, one Northern Spy, and two Firesides left — not enough for apple crumble. I guess I need to mount a concerted effort to eat them raw.

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Kiwano melons!!! They are as good - actually better - than the day I harvested them five months ago. They were not fully ripe when harvested and now they are. They are just sitting in the ktichen in a container, not even kept cool. These kiwanos just seem to keep forever. Not the greatest tasting fruit but super long lasting.

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We ran out of Goldrush back in January but they were still great. This week we’re enjoying Winecrisp and Enterprise, and the Black Oxfords are still tasty. The Winecrisps are really holding up!


What does a Winecrisp taste like?

I have a few Northern Spy and Idared apples left.

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It’s the last week of Lent, and as Penance, I am choking down my only remaining apples, which are Honeycrisp that store remarkably well.

It’s a Honeycrisp joke. Laugh.