Anyone with flower gardens?

I’ll send you some seeds if you’d like to try growing them. Just pm me if you would.



This was before the ferns took over


My wheelbarrow fell apart so I turned it into a sub irrigated flower growing station. Also love the miss huff lantanas we planted several years ago.


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My Modern Marvel Hibiscus is putting out GIGANTIC flowers…Just beautiful


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I took three cutting from my Midnight Marvel hardy hibiscus and attempted to root them…

2/3 isn’t bad

I also visited a local lake where wild rose mallows live along the banks. (these are the wild progenitors of our hardy hibiscus plants)


Planted Rubeckia 15 yrs ago and they have been seeding themselves ever since in mixed colors, flower size and plant growth.


Over 80,000 registered daylilies…not sure mankind needs more…unless you can breed a pure blue one?

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Here is my wild daisy patch.

My daffodil patch:


I need seedlings for my property. I’m seriously considering planting daylily’s around every tree. And it would be fun nautrally-speaking so see what arises.

@RedSun wow. I get it now. Lots of one thing in one place. Wow; brilliant.

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Daylilies are deer candy here. Most people plant daffodils since deer never bothers with it. Daffodils can be naturalized and come up year after year.

Yes, I like mass planting. It is easy and extensive.


I’m doing it to keep myself from becoming too close to trees when I mow. I like to get too close for a clean appearance. And I think it’ll look pretty jazzy. It’s either daylily’s or weeds is my thought.

I have a friend whom already does exactly what I’m thinking of doing. I don’t see rabbit/deer nada (but I believe you) eating his daylily’s.

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Deer will eat lots of things if hungry enough…including daylilies. But, I don’t find that much of them damaged. (And people can eat them too…especially the delicious flower buds.)

Deer loves daylily. But they normally leaves fig alone. Too much smell.

My dog likes eating fig leaves. She definitely has her favorites she doesn’t care for the fruit though. She does love blueberries even before they are ripe.

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other ones are gladioli

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Just ordered these Siberian and Japanese iris varieties from Draycott gardens, anyone heard of it? I stumbled across it on the Japanese iris society website. I wanted a Japanese iris as I was inspired by a picture of a beautiful white one that @David_DeafGardening posted at some point. Here’s pics of what I ordered, I can’t wait for spring :laughing:

White caps Japanese

Salamander crossing Siberian

Swans in flight Siberian

Pink haze Siberian


Very nice. Here is my tall beard German Iris. But this year, it is eaten by the iris borers. I need to dig them up and move to a new place. It is also fragrant.


Beautiful. I have never had any problems with iris, here they are the most carefree plants. I’m sorry about the iris borer, I hope it is not something that will make its way here!


Plant it near the most swampy part of your home, like nearby a swimming pool, and watch it really spread!

By the way, there is a huge local breeding farm near me. If you live Portland or Vancouver, WA, you should grow these local ones.

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Thank you for the tip, it is hard to find these for sale online! Major plant sellers do not have them, they seem to prefer to sell bearded and Siberian for some reason. Nobody in my area grows these and truth be told I may end up being too cold of a climate for them. I’ve read conflicting information there. Nothing to do but try.

Edited to say I just looked through the catalog of the link you provided- so much beauty, how to pick what to get? There’s not enough yard space :sob: They’ve got good prices too.

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