Can you do us a huge favor and give us a few of your apples’ names as they ripen? Not all of them unless you want to , just here and there if you get time. I ask because i was shocked by your early ripening apples this year. Many people would love to eat June apples! Im also really interested in the super late ones.
We did this with pears the last few years. It has been incredibly helpful for people.
That chart might help some remember which apples are coming up if they are on the list. The dates aren’t important so much as the relative ripening order which might be somewhat correct across regions.
My Monark apples are starting to ripen now. I have picked up about 10 that have fallen on the ground. They were pretty small in size before we got the rain last week.
Next up is my Summer Rambo which should be in about another week or two.
Anna apples, which many of us grow in Southern CA have been ripening since June. Often I have a second crop in the fall–September/October. They’re not on the list.
I don’t see Granny Smith apples on the list, either. Not sure when they ripen in SoCal, because mine is just a year in the ground and hasn’t fruited yet.
Granny smith is at the bottom of the list. It doesn’t include all apples (which would be a huge list). Even something as common as yellow transparent isn’t on the list. I assume the list is only what that orchard grows.
Here, in CE, zone 7, it’s been White Transparent for 3 weeks and these Pfirsichroter Sommerapfel (Pomme Peche Rouge d’Eté) for 2 weeks. Both 2-3 weeks early.
Early Mac and Williams Pride are both very good tasting early ripening apples. I need to graft in more Williams Pride but it spurred up and it is difficult to find good scion wood. Depending on how much tartness you like they can be picked as early as the first of June. I like a sweet/tart tasting apple.
Trevor, your early macs are soooo much prettier than mine. I don’t think the texture of the apple is very good, here, either. I think I’m pushin’ it, trying to grow them here in southeastern VA.
@PomGranny … the texture changes from very crisp to much softer much like red delicious… as it ripens deeper.
For me when they are red with a touch of green still left… still very crisp and delicious.
If you let them go longer that red will turn darker… purplish red and all green is lost. They can be quite soft once they get to that point… but are also sweeter.
I just picked some of my Monark apples today. A 5 gallon bucket worth. They taste good, nice and crisp. They do not ripen all at once so it is nice as a home owner. There are a lot more on the tree ( M7) that are not ready quit yet.