Apple storage for flavor

I thought I’d share some photos of this years apple crop. The Kidd’s Orange Reds have some watercore but the flavor is still nice. The Egremont Russets aren’t quite ripe yet but we are getting a few windfalls. It’s the first time I’ve tasted a russet. I was picking up a fruity taste, a tiny bit like fruit salad. Most were slightly under ripe still. I have heard some apples improve with storage, for example it can bring out some aromatics or sweetness. What is the best way to store apples to bring out flavor? And how long should they be stored before eating? (no doubt this depends on the type of apple).
I keep my apples in a plastic bag in the fridge and often put some moist paper towel in the bag with the apples.

Kidd’s above

This is supposed to be Golden Delicious. I have never seen red on Golden Delicious but they have had a lot of full sun.


Good looking apples!


The bird net is very nice looking…can you please share the type of the net? where to buy from?

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Thanks, my wife spent hours hand sewing together the nets and running the rope along the top. It’s Ryset Australia brand 15mm woven net, 5m x 10m. Used for Vineyards. We bought it online from forestrytools (an Australian website).


Nice looking apples. I have a couple of Yellow Delicious directly in the sun and none of mine get that red all over. When do your YD apples ripen and are picked?

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I just checked and one came off when I lifted it. This is it’s first year fruiting. So ripens mid-late March or mid Autumn.