They were soft to the touch though, so they weren’t really “unripe”…They could have hung longer and added more brix, but are perfectly serviceable for jam. Not bad for fresh eating either. I actually prefer them to white currants. I told my brother to pick all he wanted from my Primus white currant. They are OK, but not impressive IMO.
He picked ~6 pounds of them the other day from just 2 bushes. And there are still some berries on both bushes.
Today, I did a 2nd picking of the one Juliet bush and am up to about 3.5 pints from a relatively small bush- planted in 2019, from Stew Leonards grocery store.
I’m not sure if these are really darker, or taking the picture on a cloudy day makes them glow less…
I decided to mix a few mulberries in with them for the jam. Normally, I’d feel that mulberries are too boring (mild, sweet, not a ton of flavor). But the ones in the pic are Oscar mulberries. They start out tart and get mostly sweet if dead ripe. Very tasty. I’ve saved a lot of the not entirely ripe ones to add to the jam.
My father brought a bunch of strawberries over the other day. He has a big 20x20’ patch that he made by planting a few that I gave him a year or two ago and letting them spread everywhere. He’s getting a lot of production, but the berries are very small. Everyone was saying how good they are, but I think I prefer the ones from the store (organic Driscols). Not only are they a bit bigger, they are also sweeter. Maybe without the rain, his would have been more comparable.
Here’s a pic with one berry from the store and the rest from my dad.
That 3.5 pints of juliet is my only sour cherries. Even though I have 8+ trees/bushes at home and 3-4 at another rental, they’ve produced maybe 5-10 cherries total.
I suspect that it is blossom rot, but I did spray a couple times this spring and it evidently wasn’t enough. Maybe my timing is off.