Bare root jujube- never leafed out

Sorry the tree ended up in such bad condition. I’m not sure I’ll have enough to cut this winter but when the time is right I can send you ‘Empress Gee’ scions to trial. Hope the next one you buy is healthy and survives for ya.


Thanks, but the two SCs and a So jujube I planted at the same time did survive, and I also have a Black Sea on order for next Spring. It was disappointing as I was hoping to have 3 of @BobVance 2022 top 10 list planted this year. I still may eventually order a replacement HJ or just grafted some HJ scions onto my existing plants.


mine were similar, dead roots, a bit of green up higher. I have none surviving apparently but will judge the remaining few in spring.

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We drove to Charlottesville yesterday to visit my daughter, and made a stop at Edible Landscaping which was about 30 minutes drive from there. I got myself a 3gal HJ jujube to replaced the dead one from Raintree. It’s only about 2.5’ tall but has impressive root structure and cost $68, about the same price as the bare root one from Raintree. They have plenty of Sugar Cane, Shanxi Li, Li, Lang, GA866 in stock - most were healthy looking except for the Honey Jar selection, those have mostly yellowing/brown leaves…one of the lady working there said HJ leaves seem more susceptible to sun damage. I also bought 3 jujube (Sugar Cane, GA866 and Shanxi Li) for a friend, the 1gal were $49 each.