Best flavored Apples and Pears

We have a friend who sends Harry and David fruit every year. Love that man!! Comice are aka as Royale Riviera from H&D. I find them to be overpowering sweet and somewhat too smooth. Bosc still is my favorite with forelle close for pears.
Had my first chestnut crab 2 yrs ago. I bought all they had at the farmers market and brought them into a family reunion at a Famous Dave’s BBQ. We finished 10# of apples and the BBQ went into to go boxes! Our wickson produced it’s first apple this year. Stunning intensity, so sweet, so acid. Kidd’s, Ashmead’s, and Karmijn should produce this year along with roxbury and golden russet. Can’t wait!

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Chikn you have great taste in fruit. You went down the list of many peoples reported favorites.

I’ve only had a few Comice. They can be really good. From the grocer, at least here, Taylor’s Gold are consistently excellent. It is a sport of Comice.

I may be in the camp that doesn’t consider “too smooth” and “too sweet” as an indictment, but I never try to eat more than one European pear in a day.


That’s why they got planted,something to be said for anything that every one likes.[quote=“murky, post:43, topic:3457”]
“too smooth” and “too sweet” as an indictment,
[/quote]No indictment, just like a little texture and a smidge of acid to cut the sweet.
I guess that’s why we have so many varieties to choice from.

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Nowadays, in EU. Comice pear has a number of red colored variants. I am fond of. Taste is unbeatable.

For a number of years ago I found this curious appearance. I bought this red variant on a local market, it’s my favorite, this pear is a Sport from a Comice pear.

Bearing fruit having an overall reddisch skin and a light purplish tint. When the fruit is ripe it shows a mottled greenish-yellow undercoat. If it were a painters palette.


Alcedo! that pear looks delicious. I wish I could dive right into the picture!

I cut mine down a decade ago. I might consider it again for the visual impact as an espalier. It is not exactly what I call a desert pear it is more of a dinner pear. By that I mean I find it worked best in a sandwich of a salad where it helped along some other foods. For example a couple of slices on a turkey, rye, lettuce, mayo and cheese sandwich is awesome. You are also talking one heck of large pear too. Like all pears they tend to ripen from the inside out so it is hard to tree ripen due to the size.

One nice thing is the squirrels and raccoons seem consider it a last resort so you will always have some if you have other pears around. Still and all there is nothing wrong with it.

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Taylor’s gold is fairly disease resistant?

I don’t know. It’s a sport of Comice, so lacking other information, I’d start by assuming its similar.

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I will second that. My Ayers pears last season were the best pears I have had the privilege of eating. Sweet and smooth with no grit with some minor hints of Apple. They were great.

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Lots of great polinator info for pears in this thread :+1:

Planting 2 Antonovka this spring…I was hoping to use as rootstock but then read favorable review of the apples, I am interested for the apples also.