This is bravo de esmolfe apples… some have the rose blush and some are just light yellow/green
The first picture it almost looks like Gold Chief
But it’s not… it’s when they are grown on full sun at big altitude
Correct. I haven’t even heard of Apion or Pion.
I’m growing bravo de esmolf here in northern Arizona. 5000 ft in elevation. Tree is very late to come out of dormancy. Probably the last of 150 or so varieties so that says something. Should really help it escape the late frosts we have here. Both trees were grafted early last year so still very young but I have high hopes for it. I hear great things from you guys in Portugal. My entire family is from the Azores. I was the first born here in the United States. So in memory of my late father I began planting an orchard and bravo was the first apple tree I ever grafted. Adeus.
Wow! That’s a great story and i hope everything goes ok with your trees! I can help you to arrange other Portuguese varieties if you want…
Best regards, Luis
That is odd. I have 2 trees in bearing from different sources and they flower when most other varieties flower, not nearly as late as say Court Pendu Plat.
Northern Spy, without a doubt or hesitation.
I LOVE my Northern Spy apple tree. When I was planning my orchard that was the one apple tree I knew I would have in it.
Considering how long they take to come into bearing, it had better be a labor of love! : D
I started getting apples on my Northern Spy apple in 4 years. I was worried about reading the long time before getting any fruit but I was surprised at getting fruit so quickly in 4 years. Mine is on a M111 rootstock. Worth it!
I wonder if Bravo de Esmolf would taste good if grown in a mild climate or if it needs heat.
Well her region is from mountain, but this is an apple that many people like and grow on backyard, so i’m shure she is adaptable
When is the best time to plant a fruit tree? 20 years ago, we all know. Someone had planted a Northern Spy tree about 20 years before we moved to Lodi.
I also planted one on B9, and it started bearing fruit in five seasons.
My first one took 14 years to bear (standard size), but has yielded well over 100 lbs./yr. ever since. The best motivation to plant ANY tree or perennial is for ‘the future’, which is why you find so many of us old guys doing it. : )
I’ve been planting trees since I was 18 years old. I’m 62 now and planted another 100 pecan trees this spring. I hope to plant a few hundred more next year.
I realize that apple breeding is very difficult & time consuming with most seedlings of little value.
But I have a few hundred seeds of “Howell TC3”.
I’m hoping a few seedlings will be similar to the parent.
Very sweet intense Sub-Acidic aromatic flavor & crunchy.
Parent is not self pollinating so these are most likely hybrid seeds .
If I get anything good, I will make it available to CRFG & ARFG.
I’m planning to sprout some myself this year. Really think the parent has some promise in backyard apple breeding. Curious what one would expect to be used a commercial orchard for pollinating these days though, any ideas?
Hope you report back on your results!
SkillCult of Northern California desert grafts 50 to 200 unique heirloom varietals per tree & plants seeds.
He prefers many of the red fleshed apples & sub acidic aromatic heirlooms.
He claims to be able to tell from bark color & texture what traits a seedling inherited.
He has YouTube videos.
I’m a good mentor for apple nutrient balancing.
But he is far more knowledgeable about breeding & environment compatibility.
And he sells seeds & scions.