Best Tasting Pluot and Nectarine?

What do you consider the best tasting Pluot and best tasting Nectarine? Thanks!!

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Flavor king pluot. This year honey kist nectarine. But I would imagine honey kist, blaze and royale are quiet similar.

It depends a lot on your local environment. Here in zone 10a, I enjoy Flavor Grenade Pluot and both Snow Queen (white nectarine) plus Desert Dawn (yellow nectarine). Note that yellow and white nectarines are quite different tasting fruits.

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Pluots are close between Flavor Supreme and Flavor King. For nectarines it’s most of the Honey series from Zaiger/DWN; Honey Fire, Lite, Blaze, Royale, or Diva. Just one Honey Royale.


Do any of them work in zone 6a?

A local wholesale tree nursery carries Royale and Blaze. So those seem to work here. Alan got 28 brix from Royale last year in NY state.

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You’re going to get many different responses, because everyone’s
taste and growing experiences vary widely. If you’re asking this question,
in order to determine what to grow in your locale, you’re better off asking
people that live there, not from people who live all over the country, and whose
taste may not be the same as yours.

Thanks!! I found a Honey Kist but none of the other varieties. Do you have a recommendation on were to get them via mail order? Also I think I am going to go with the Flavor King or a multigrafted pluot. Also I am considering growing them via a large self watering container or in the ground, any suggestions/tips? Thanks again for your time!

Just try the Honey Kist. It’s about as good as any of the Honey series. Climate and cultural conditions have a huge effect on nectarine eating quality. So work on improving those factors. It may not work in your location for your tastes. Many in humid climates stick with the acidic nectarines because they can’t get the sweetness to make the low acid types work.

Flavor King is less affected by excess water than the nectarines. For that fruit heat is important. A long warm growing season really helps quality.

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That is a good point. Some years we can, but most I agree we cannot. I was checking Arctic Glo ( a very acidic fruit) and a couple fell off. They seem to have split pit, and I think fell off early. Not quite ripe. It’s been a dry year and these IME are 1-2 weeks from ripe. Fruits have a brix of 14. I should make it into the 20’s this year. Well maybe not? Not much time, but that fruit is small, and atypical. My favorite fruit, I could just grow these and be happy.
last year my Flavor King tree produced and that fruit is also just amazing. This year the late freeze killed fruit buds. Arctic Glo works well here. Fruit buds survived the 21F freeze. My PF Lucky 13 bred here in Michigan lost all fruit buds. AG is a winner for me and my needs.


Growing Fantasia Nectarine in Zone 7 (Albuquerque, NM) and they are awesome. Everybody I’ve shared them with has taken a (juicy, sticky, delicious) bite and said, “holy shit!! That’s good!” Best nectarines I’ve ever eaten.