Blueberry and Strawberry companion planting?

I’m finding mixed information on the internet about this. Would blueberries and strawberries do well planted together in a raised bed? From what I understand, both like acidic soil, and some information I’ve found say that strawberries would be a good ground cover for the blueberry bushes

I have been doing it for 6 years. yeah works well. But I don’t let the strawberries get close to the blueberries which have very shallow roots.

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i haven’t tried strawberries but i imagine they would grow well together. i have brunswick low bush blues and lingonberries growing under my high bush ones and so far they grow great together. fruit about the same time also. low bush and lingonberry will spread eventually by rhizomes making a larger patch over time. i keep them no closer than 2ft. from the high bush and mulch heavily.

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Yeah that’s perfect.I also have ground raspberries around one. They are struggling a bit, but still there.

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hopefully mine fruit this summer. they’ve spread all over the place in the yard. even with no fruit they are a nice ground cover. mine only get 3-4in. high. only thing i get by fertilizing them is they spread quicker so now theyre on their own.

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Should work, but might need to water extra in dry weather, or the blueberries will suffer. The strawberries should be happy enough…although the acid soil might hurt them some…because if you lime the berries the blues’ll suffer.

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my soil sits at 5.5 to 6 ph so good for blues and straws. i do give a little sulfur to the blues to adjust ph down every few years or if i see a lot of red leaves.

I have been doing it 6 years no problems at all both fruit well. I do keep the amount thin.
Photos from five minutes ago.
Toro blueberry.

These are mostly musk strawberries.And a few pineberries. Around Chandler.


Ive seen this done all over my neigborhood and both blueberries and strawberries bear quite well.
Our native soil appears to be quite a good fit for both blueberries and strawberries.


Ate first blueberry today.

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