I’m ordering some pears I probably should not grow in Fireblight country. Anyone else do that? Its not that I’m a glutton for punishment rather there are pears we can’t buy in the Midwest I want to taste st least once.
Which ones Clark?
Forrell, Abbé fetel, bosc,red anjou to name a few and there are several more. I also ordered a Wickson apple scion among others.
I may have some Bosc and Comice scions available in about a month. Brady
Those sound really good are you putting them on callery or old home farmingdale rootstocks?
I have tasted some of them but its not the same as tasting my own.
They are going onto the Callery.The trees are at my sister’s orchard.I’m adding them to my scion list,if anyone wants some. Brady
I’m guessing that these pears will do ok in your area as long as your willing to spray for fireblight during the time they are flowering. Although I don’t currently have a red anjou the one I previously had did well as long as I was willing to intervene for FB. I have a few apples I’m growing that I really like and I’m willing to give those more attention just because I think there worth it. Bill
Bill- what do you spray for fire blight?
Some people use antibiotics, others use copper, I use both plus sometimes 50/50 white vinegar and water . Bill may or may not be talking about spraying fertilome antibiotics at bloom time http://www.amazon.com/Fertilome-Fire-Blight-Spray-10363/dp/B005XOPBCU
Looks like a great setup and excellent varities! Can’t wait to see your follow up posts. You will have fruit in 2-3 years.
I will likely add a limb or two of each of these hard to raise varities on a multigrafted tree. I have just the tree and then I only need to baby a couple of trees that are copies of each other. I don’t speak the language but I definitely understand what this guy is saying about his large number of big abate fetel pears in what sounds like Italian https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RF8HraBLYtE
I added Beurre Superfin, which will probably have issues with fireblight. But it’s one is really like to try and have never seen in stores.
I read about those being a small but very high quality pear. That’s a great choice I think. If you get a chance will you let us know how they do ? Are you top working or is it a new tree? Its hard to be practical and plant all fireblight resistant types. Still to be honest 99.99% of what I put in this year is fireblight resistant. My favorites like my clapps favorite pear are the ones I shouldn’t grow.
I’m planting the whole tree but will also graft a piece on to an established Bartlett I have. Probably still a few years until I see any fruit.
Before my effort to grow mostly organic I used the typical antibiotics. For the last three years I have only used Serenade during the blooming period. Last spring I added a spray of oil/copper spray. I’m not sure if I have been lucky or my current applications are working but I haven’t had any FB these last three years. Bill
I find fireblight on my pears is much less of a problem than on apples. I have many fireblight-prone pears and have not lost many of them. I have no idea why this is the case and it could be specific to my climate.
I’ve had Abate Fetel from Whole Foods several times. They are OK, but nothing special (normal, not super-strong flavor and moderate sugar). Bosc on the other hand is good enough to tempt me to grow it (I’ve held off so far). And Forrell isn’t bad either, though I don’t think I’m as much of a fan for it as some on the forum.
Scott- Same result in Talbot County, Md: over the years lost to fire blight 20 out of 22 apple trees at former house (not southern or new disease resistant types) and zero out of five pear trees (disease resistant)
Which 5 pears survived under those conditions?
When it comes to Euro pears I usually buy D’Anjou and Forrelle if they are in season. Last night I bought some Bosc and they were quite good. I noticed was a distinct floral taste to them reminiscent of the seckel pears I’ve eaten. Maybe even a little too floral for my taste.