Buds Flowers and Fruit - 2024 Edition

Some of these White transparent seem to be about 2 weeks from ripening. Way too early…

Jostas, the few that were left after last frost, are beginning to ripen. On the other hand the branches have grown as much as 120cm so there will hopefully be much more next year.

Btw, does anyone know of any named varieties? They are all marketed as josta and I’ve noticed one german dwarf variety, but nothing else.


Harvested about a third of my apricots and various berries today. Tree ripened apricots are by far the best I’ve ever had.


Welcome Gooseberries, mostly under ripe, for pies. Still like half the bush and 3/4ths the Amish bush left to pick. Probably going to add the handful of black currants to one of the pies.


Dayton Apple

Belmac apple

This Apple tree with 6 grafts seems to be happy. Easy to protect the two apples I let it hold


You guus all seems ahead of me.

Apricot unk variety - prob close to 50 yr old tree.

VK’s Upmqua Italian Plum - grafted onto same apricot tree.


50 years is a nice age for an apricot. I’m not far ahead at all. Still very much green. I would seem that whole everything else is very early, apricots might be right on schedule here.

The photos don’t show much, but all my Flavor Grenade pluots are a lighter green with many starting to get a spot of red blush usually at the tip or along the “seam”.

Also the skin is a bit bumpy on the fruit. I assume this is normal.

I will pull one when I get home this evening to try and get a weight and taste. I’m impressed at their size, especially as other plum like Santa Rosa, are really small.


Another load of climax rabbiteyes this evening.

Concords in background.


Rolling River Red. Over half cracked, but those that didnt have sweet cherry/plum flavor with thick snappy skin. Very tasty. The only plum that has shown black knot in my orchard.


Made 2 half pints of blueberry jam tonight.


My 2024 apple crop is looking very promising at this point. I have a little bit of CAR . . . but go around plucking off leaves. Not a big problem yet. Some of my 2021-22 scions are producing apples and that is exciting! Thanks to all who shared scions with me!

Have Monarks and Macouns for the first time. Winecrisps too. Sadly, none of my coveted Eso Spitz scions survived the fireblight ‘epidemic’ of last year. :cry: But, I quickly cut them down past the infection - and at least it did not spread into the original tree.

Still waiting on certain slow producers to pan out . . . Sinta. Arkansas Black. Akane. American Golden Russet - are a few. Their tardiness may be due to their location on the tree. I may cut scions from the scions this winter and regraft to a higher branch on the trees.

Lookin’ Good . . . pics below.

We netted our favorite stone fruit trees over the past few weekends . . and in the process ‘unintentionally’ further thinned the developing fruit. Yesterday I discovered one of my only 2 Yum Yum nectarines was dangling by a torn stem. Sigh. All hope is riding on that last one - to get a taste of ‘YumYum’ this summer. Darn! And it was so pretty!


Starlings’ assorted selection.

All of these were planted by birds. The ones on the left are the size of decent commercial varieties, just richer in flavour and will get propagated. The ones on the right, both pale and red are translucent. In sunlight, they look like garnets and you can actually see the pits. Some of the smaller red and dark ones are nothing you’d choose to eat twice, but it’s fun to see and taste what the birds dragged in. There are plenty of huge heirloom cherry trees in the region both in villages and lining the roads. I guess the small stuff comes from the oak and beech forests about 3km away and those trees also grow like crazy. Some that we’ve taken out in late winter had fruit the size of dried peas.


I have an interesting non-commercial plumcot that has just ripened enough to pick today.

It is a P. salicina x P fremontii hybrid that has wonderful quality in spite of its male parent being the ‘desert apricot’ endemic to the Palm Springs, CA region.

The fruit are certainly not of commercial size, but the skin is only slightly acidic and without any astringency. Firm flesh of these fruiit brixed at 19.0 this morning. Quite nice for breakfast!

P. fremontii fruit flesh is just a few mm thick and hardly worthy of tasting when fully ripe. We found that taking it from its desert environment and placing it under irrigation and with good cultural conditions did little to improve the fruit size or quality.


Marianna 2624. Quite sour, little flavor.

Turkish pink. Faint Musky strawberry flavor. Sweet, but not sweet enough.


Black Tartarian cherry

First tomatoes growing already.


A quick pick this evening… mulberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries.


golden honey watermelon @ 57 days since transplant


Nice, my watermelons are way behind because last year when I directly seeded pillbugs kept eating them, so I kept them from the ground for a long time. Taking off nicely now, hoping for a few full sized melons this year since last year I only got a couple small ones. Growing orangeglo and lemon drop



Glendale ripening up