Buds , Flowers and Fruits 2022 Edition!

It’s @Stan’s favorite as well in Tracy. And he doesn’t see any pit burn on this one either. That tells me there is a good chance it’ll do well in your greenhouse

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we are so far behind, at least my garden and orchard are weeks behind the norm.

I do have a few strawberries. the other plants were destroyed by squirrels during the Grey War of 2022

I’m at about 20 pounds of garlic by now and only pulled the softneck! a good garlic year

coffee plant sending out a few new branches after pruning in early spring. I wonder if it’ll ever make coffee for me

happy baby fig area (one was broken while being moved). however:

yeah we are way behind. I can only see a few coming.

I think I’ll get a good amount of sumac to dry and grind up this year! this tree hasn’t made berries until now, so I’m pretty happy about this.

my favorite things are bean flowers.

and finally, poppies are up. I grow about ten different color varieties and these are my least favorite.


My illini blackberries making some really nice berries now.

Edit add later… had to do another picking this eve. Good stuff coming in. My wife is cooking up a batch of fried okra this eve…

Jambalaya getting crispy.


those ilini hardy are bigger than my fedco nelsons.

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I’m hoping to get a Moorpark this year as well…


We are struggling to get all our peach trees thinned…the fruit set is crazy this year. These are Contender variety.


all this rain after 2 summers of drought are really pushing production and growth but also diseases and bug pressure. keep up on your sprays. nice peaches! i put a contender in this spring in a protected spot. hopefully i get a few. you buy yours from fedco?

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6a Massachusetts:

Finally some blueberries! The tart ones ripened first. Please let me know if you think the leaves are too light or if those spots are a sign of something I should worry about. Thank you everyone for helping me with the soil recipe last year. BB are in planters. I worried if I should have add something this year.

Apples : only 3 on my espalier
Pears: none ( only 4 year old tree)
Peaches: loaded! I have thinned them out (tree is 3 yrs old)
Cherries: I got about a dozen, ate them all myself :smiley:
Plumes: none (3 years old)
Pluots: none

Flowers: I planted 35+ roses (bare root) in April and really ending them. They seem to like the same soil my hydrangeas like.

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The oldest trees that I have are from Fedco…these particular ones are from Raintree…. I now buy from Adams County in PA.


In the 2022 sweet pea race to the top, the white and lavender have won 1st place!


Peach season is here. Unfortunately, the roots of the tree are more extensive than I thought. I had to water newly planted apple tree and fertilize a struggling cherimoya but I guess closeby peach tree roots got the benefit too. The brix is down to 11-13 for PeachyKeen and 14 for Fei Tao. FeiTao has no problems with chill in our area.




My first decent Barbra Streisand after the move last year, the flower is very fragrant but it likes to be in the shade, otherwise the bloom will fry too quickly.

Cradle my Ambrosia melon in a bowl, I hope this will prevent the pill bugs from damaging it.

My favorite hostas
Spring Morning


Fragrant Dream

Risky Business



Illini hardy blackberry.

@steveb4 … yes they are nice sized berries… taste very similar to our wild berries… but much sweeter.

Got a nice sized bowl full today… may jam a few half pints of those.

They started ripening June 12 this year… hitting peak now I think… but see those red berries left ? Got more to pick yet. I have seen them produce into Aug when we got enough rain. May not happen this year… been hot and quite dry.


Fuyu Persimmon


Eating Blueberries with my coffee and pup!


I ordered a Moorpark apricot tree - and for some reason they couldn’t deliver. (out of stock, I think) I got a Harcot instead. It died before even taking hold in the ground. :unamused:

Kevin, where did you find your scion for the graft? I have had good results grafting apricots and other stone fruit to my Santa Rosa plum tree - which never produces its own plums! Not yet, anyway. I think I will try to find scions for Moorpark next winter. They are supposed to be phenomenal.

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My reliance grapes are liking heavy pruning no spray up to now ( 07-10-22 ).