Buds , Flowers and Fruits 2022 Edition!

I’m eagerly waiting for Long An to mature, this is the first year it seems to be abundant of fruit. Mauritius variety.

My tiny Hosui, what I’m glad is I rescued this plant multiple times and here it is, this fruit is the size of a plum

My other decent Asian Pear, the size of a small apple, not sure what variety because the tag is gone, I bought this from Home Depot. Does anyone know what variety this is.

Maybe Charentais melon, this will be picked this weekend and give away. I can’t believe I’m bored of eating this melon, but I already had 5-6 fruit already.


Wedgewood rose

Melon D’Or

My lone watermelon from compost, it’s about a foot long, the biggest ever in my yard

I have 5 of this melon from my compost, unbelievable, next year I just dump my compost out and wait for melons to emerge


i grew a few Caroline here but like heritage the frost kills them before you get half the crop. youre a little warmer than me so maybe it will work for you.

@Bill … i have mine planted in a V trellis bed… and my top wire is a bit over 4 ft.

When my raspberrry pcanes get just a bit taller than my top wire… i cut the growing tip off and i tie them to my top wire.

That encourages LOTS of fruiting laterals to develop.

Examples below. Those fruiting laterals will produce lots of berries.


@Bradybb … here at my place… z7a southern middle TN… the SWD seem to show up (arrive) and leave… with our wild blackberry crop.

Wild blackberries are abundant here… and ripen July 1 to Aug 15 on average.

Prior to July 1… i have not seen any SWD here… and my raspberries ripen (spring crop) May 25 to June 25 on average.

And then in the fall… my raspberries start ripening mid / late August and continue until November…

I have had no problems with SWD on my raspberries… now if i had raspberries ripening at the same time as our wild blackberries ripen… i expect that would be trouble.


I’m not totally knowledgeable about the fly’s life cycle and other factors,like temperature preferences, but there are probably different components that make an environment,most conducive,to do their thing.

@Bradybb … and my experience with them has been short…

2 years ago first sighting here on blackberries in early August.

1 year ago… saw them on wild and my tame blackberries early July thru mid August.
Found lots of berries infested with larvae last year.

This year… was expecting the same as last year… but to my suprise i never spotted the first swd fly… and we only found like 3 or 4 larvae in berries.

It was like they pretty much dissapeared this year. Hoping some preditor has their number and is wiping them out here. I sure hope it stays that way.

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Golden Nugget:


:smiley: :yum:.


Moonglow and Ayers pears no spray crunchy and sweet! :smile:.


Jambalaya okra cranking out the pods… pick a nice bowl full every other day. Eat some can some.

Also in background… i have spotted 7 nice melons (cantaloupe) in my compost pile on this volunteer cantaloupe vine.


Part of today’s collection.
August 19 pawpaw


The one thing that’s good about a low fruit yield. Nice size! Red Haven peach


I had my Hosui and shinseiki yesterday, they were decently sweet, they were not normal size. Yesterday I dug a big hole to move my Shinseiki to the ground, I don’t think it will bear much fruit in the container. Let’s hope it will do well there next year.

For years I tried to grow large water melon with no success, but here it is from my compost, unbelievable.

Same with these melons, they are bigger than the ones I picked from my own sowing. Let’s hope they will taste good

Second crop of cucumber, started not too long ago

Ping Tung Long, I don’t really eat a lot of eggplants, but it’s fun growing them from my own seeds. Finally have the space after I removed my corn bed


Saturday night … canning okra.


Just walked past a local blackberry patch (the invasive Himalayan type, of course), and they are nearing the peak of their season I’d say, but still plenty of fruit to ripen later:

Definitely a later and longer season than usual after our extra cold spring. They are pretty juicy but still not as flavorful as the native trailing blackberry. They all have a little extra protein in them, too:


Saijo persimmon cluster

Many Tam Kam persimmons this year.

Honey Jar jujube


Looking loaded! mine did not set at all this year dropped all :smiling_face_with_tear:. Save some for me .


My 2 HJ trees are finally carrying decent crops after 4 years. I give mine extra micronutrients after they leaf out, and potash whenever I’m fertilizing the persimmons. Maybe that helps.


They look too big to be HJ, very nice.

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They’re actually pretty small but should be almost to the size of ripening. HJ is only about the size of the top part of my thumb.

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