Buds , Flowers and Fruits 2022 Edition!

Nanking Cherry started showing it’s first couple flowers 2 days ago in zone 6b central ohio


Pleione Tibesti


In TN red buds are coming on…

Note to morel mushroom hunters… at my location after red buds have been blooming a few weeks… the first dogwood blooms will start to open. You better be looking for morels then.

My lapins cherry tree… 4th leaf.
The last two years a few blooms but no fruit.
What do you think about this being the year for first fruit ? It is covered in those…

I am hopeful.


Some spring blooming camellias are putting on a show.


Trilliums starting to open:


Not for the faint of heart, but dogs will sniff anything. My Amorphophallus Konjacs are blooming.



My red gem goumi is a bit earlier to bloom than my sweet scarlet.


What it smells like? I heard it smells like dead body.
How do you manage to get it bloom?do you replant it every year or just leave it in the pot? I have one but only grow leaves.

Well, although I haven’t smelled a rotting dead body, I can definitely say it is pretty awful. I gave one to my niece, who is a nurse and experiences many unpleasant things in her work, and she described it has definitely “puke worthy.” Both my wife and I have given them a slight whiff from about 6 inches away and it is a smell that stays with you, sort of like even though you’re not still smelling it your memory of it sticks for a while. The good news is that they only really smell for a day or so, so I’m hoping the stink stops by the time we get our cold snap tomorrow night, since frost would kill the blooms. But if they still stink, they’ll go in our detached garage.

The ones that bloomed where 1.5 and 2.5 pound corms, so they definitely need to get pretty big and I think good fertilizing can help as well. Sometimes they seem so busy making offsets that they are slow to develop a single larger corm.

Definitely a cool looking flower - or actually a composite flower. The top rings inside are each male flowers emitting pollen and the bottom ones (hard to see in this photo) and the female flowers. They mature at different times, so if you want seeds you have to cross pollinate between two flowers or collect pollen from one and wait for another to have female blooms to hand pollinate.

And here is the big one with my hand for reference to show how big the flower is. I’ve heard they can be over 6 feet tall as the corms get bigger. While the flowers are cool, the leaves are really why I grow them. They should be hardy in my zone and I’m going to try to plant some and leave them as part of the garden.


Honeyberries 03-25-22

Asian Pears Graft 03-25-22

Hot Peppers 03-25-22


I am amazed how much farther along your trees are. Mine are probably 10-14 days behind yours. What a difference a 1 1/2 hour drive makes.


What are description of the flower smell, thank. Definitely one of a kind. Mine is about the size of nickel last year and the top died back in winter inside. Hope it still alive and can grow larger this year

You are right sometime its good and sometime like now a days not good.

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My Reliance ? Peach
Early Elberta Peach
and wild beauties in my yard.


Looks like Bluets.

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About 2 weeks ago…thought the Spring came but obviously it’s frozen again.


Very nice camellias. What’s the cultivar name? Thanks!

That one is April Tryst. It’s a cold hardier selection that’s useful in my marginal zone. Are those Edgeworthia flowers I see in the picture above the Andromedas?

Yes, it is. Also called paper bush, Chinese name 九香。

I had this camellia a while ago but it didn’t survive. I have another April series but it blossoms only in April. :slightly_smiling_face: