Building a Greenhouse

Nice looking Preto. All that heating has yours way ahead of mine. Figs are just waking up after 900 chill hrs Nov 28 to Jan 16. Stone fruits are full bloom to petal fall. It was 4F last night but is warming up!!


Ordered from you last spring on figbid. 5 star quality :+1:


RDB fig, first to ripen main crop figs in the greenhouse.


That is early, very very early. Last yr I had ripe figs in mid May. That took a lot of heating. But I did have 900 chill hrs that winter that took all the leaves off the figs. This yr with a later start and less heating probably late June.

On the next fig let it hang until it shrivels up some. It will be a lot sweeter.

Also if you can keep the figs growing they will continue to set fruit and you can harvest until Christmas. I had ripe main crop for 7 months last yr, mid May into Dec.


How do you like it? I finally got ahold of it for this reason, early main crop. It wasn’t easy finding a tree.
Up until now its been almost exclusively breba figs for me in my climate.

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In a marginal climate it is definitely your best bet to get main crop figs. I might actually try putting this tree outside, I don’t think any other variety would be able to ripen figs here. Flavor is good, not as good as some of the others, but better than brown turkey. I water mine a lot to get the size bigger (doesn’t seem to affect sweetness too much) they can be really small if not given enough water.


I am getting close to when I will be taking my greenhouse down for the summer. Seeing how the trees grow will determine the new design for next winter.

Apple cactus bloomed last night


A rare beauty!

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Strawberry verte fig ripening on the tree… Also one of those that I picked yesterday (couldn’t wait to try one).


Very nice progress. Is your purpose to just over winter things in there? I notice the gravel…
Will you use it year round? I have a smaller 9x8 HG and it’s about zone 10a and living in zone 5b. Possibilities are endless and they are a lot of fun!

I use it year round, inside I would say I keep it at an equivalent of zone 12. Primarily because I have mango and achacha.

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@Phill_Boise_7a Have you consider planting them in ground there? They do much better then in pots.

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Achacha putting on second flush of growth since winter. Also, dragon fruit is growing (sugar dragon). Last picture is a curry tree grown from seed.


Mango trees putting on their 3rd flush of growth. After trimming my figs and treating for mites new growth looks good! Trying to do a better job of maintaining humidity when the heaters are on at night. I am thinking about getting some misters.


Calamondin (very sour, used like limes in Filipino cuisine, for marmalade and as a cure for sore throats in Florida), myrtle-leaved sour orange (also tart, probably best for marmelades and marinades; don’t consume sour oranges [or pumeloes] if your doctor says no to grapefruit [ drug interaction because some furanocoumarins like bergapten affect liver enzymes that metabolize certain drugs like statins for instance), and kumquats are easiest to fit in smaller spaces. I like Yuzu because (unless you are in Korea or Japan) it is basically unavailable in stores and the zest aroma is really good, but it does have thorns.


It looks wonderful and should give you much pleasure in years to come. I have a 12 x 16 that I grow tomatoes and peppers in.

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Evap cooler going now that temps are over 90 degrees. 91 degrees today and about 99 in the greenhouse (but feels cooler than being in the sun). Evap on lowest setting, I can get it about 3 degrees lower if I crank it up.


Greenhouse update


Nice greenhouse! Did you remove the side walls for summer?