Can somebody recommend good rat traps?

It’s time to declare war on the rats in my yard, when veggies all gone and rats can finally pay attention to artificial baits. What kind you successfully use? Snap or poison? There are tons of them on Amazon, but lately all the purchases from there are not very successful for me. One day quality store turned into a big junk store. Links to “buy” what you are recommending are greatly appreciated!

I’ve always used the wooden Victor ones for rats and had no problems,baiting with something like peanut butter.
They can be found at a lot of places. Brady

I think rats can be tricky to get rid of. I believe they are more intelligent than other varmits. I have not had a lot of success with the wooden victor traps but I have caught a few with them. I would use traps and bait.

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Thank you, guys!

We had a repeating type live trap when I was a kid that we kept in our chicken house. Best bait was a live rat!

Looking into them, looks promising! I can put metal tea strainer inside with peanut butter, so it will smell all around, but will not be eaten by the first caught creature.

I went to poison this year.I glue the generic block baits to a one foot piece of 2x4 so they have to be eaten and not taken away.Make sure to put them away from areas where pets or non target animals can get to.seems to work so far ,no dead rodents laying around.

I think you can buy glue boards rat sized. I accidentally got one on my hands, got worried fast, very hard to disengage. really cheap, you just have to get them the glue boards, on their paths. I bought mine at Menards, Tomcat mouse and rat glue boards. super sticky!

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Tomcat baited with peanut butter! I’ve taken out plenty of rats this year! They are highly intelligent.

I think using glue boards outside in fall could be not that effective - we have pretty strong winds now and leaves, needles, and dust flies around.Would be glue covered with them in an hour and lose their glue ability?

Which Tomcat? I found many different ones. What works for you?

How do you know if they actually dead? I mean in summer they didn’t pay any attention to the poison bait with plenty of other tasty food to eat in my garden. Now I see the bait partially eaten, but how do you know if it works? I will only see real damage next summer, so how I can tell it got them all or they just smart enough not to eat it anymore?

I have had good results with a bucket trap.

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If using the small bait blocks put them in a pice of pvc pipe so your pets can’t get to the bait

Thank you all! I will let you know the results next year :slight_smile:

I think the temperature also has an effect on how sticky the glue is. I caught our chihuahua in one during warm weather but when it was cold out I tried to catch a rat I one and it would just pull a little hair out.

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I’m going to try that!

They have a folding cardboard cover

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Originally available only from Gemplers at six bucks each, but now seen in hardware stores, is a kind of trap that I consider much better than the wooden Victor type that requires the rat (chipmunk where I am) to press a little narrow lever, and are tricky to set. These have a cup in the center to hold the bait, but there is a wide platform all around it; all the rat has to do is step on the platform, and the snap comes down. Much of the time the bait hasn’t even been touched yet, so all you have to do is raise the snap to get rid of the body and then reset it–don’t even have to re-bait it. And they are made of plastic, not wood, so they can be left outdoors without warping and becoming useless. Most of the year I can’t use peanut butter because ants find it and carry it all away in hours. (It’s just me, but I don’t like glue traps on the grounds of often having the rat die a lingering death. I bear them no grudge, just want them dead, and I prefer more of a euthanasia.)