Learned some things since this post Quince on pear . In my experience the grafts failed after about 3 years What pears are quince compatible? - #22 by clarkinks . That may not happen with every quince or every pear. There is a lot of research not done yet. @JesseinMaine had luck grafting quince A as an interstem to pear. This thread will help also Who's growing Quince? . Keep in mind my grafts that failed were Bulgarian which I used because they are the quince that is resistant to fireblight. @scottfsmith thank you for the help getting setup to do that. @armyofda12mnkeys suggested this link of pears that are long term compatible grafted to quince in addition to others mentioned already NCGR-Corvallis: Pyrus Catalog . Don’t overlook quince rust which will need to be sprayed at most locations
Quince scions can be found here http://www.nuttrees.net/