Can You Pick The Real Moonglow?

One of these rows is a Moonglow I have had for years now and is the real Moonglow. One of the other two rows is supposed to be Moonglow and another is Ayers.

I bought six pear trees from Lowes a few years back and all fruited for the first time this year. 2 bartlett, 2 ayers, and 2 moonglow. Problem is they all look exactly like the top two rows. I am guessing that I have six Ayers. What are your thoughts?

You should have seen the hornets trying to sting the picking stick.


Center back row. I have a moonglow not real fond of it. It pollinates a Maxine delicious and a turnbull giant

My Moonglow looks more like the front row. My pears on Moonglow are green with very little blush.


That is correct. I know those to be moonglow for sure. The others all look like Ayers. Well, I was thinking about getting more Ayers and my wish may have come true with no effort.

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Pears are frequently mislabeled in my experience. The big box stores literally have never sold me a correctly labeled pear. Starks, gurneys, Henry fields are actually really good about selling the correct things. The red blushed ones are ayers.

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Looks like it is so. The middle row is supposed to be bartlett. I have several bartletts and none look like that. Good thing Ayers is a good pear.

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My Ayers was sold to me by Lowe’s as a Kieffer. I have an Orient that was sold to me as a Kieffer. And I have an unknown pear that never fruited because it bloomed 3 years in a row in January that was sold to me as a Kieffer. Looks like I would learn……. :flushed::grimacing::joy:. The unknown pear just got top worked this year to …… Kieffer!! :+1::joy:

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I guess Lowes supplier was having problems reading the tags. (sorry)



If it’s any consolation my first ayers was a red Bartlett. We cannot make this stuff up we grew it as Bartlett even posted photos on here as red Bartlett. It’s embarrassing but we have all learned they label the pears whatever variety they need them to be.

I have over 20 pear trees and this is my first variety mix up. That means when I bought those literally every one of the pear trees for sale were Ayers. That’s a bad mix up. Why couldn’t they have been red comice or something.

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Hmmm, my Moonglows look like the center row. ??

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@k8tpayaso @Robert @ohioan55 @poncirusguy i decided to take a minute to clarify this thread for those who dont know the differences of those pears discussed. These pears are common amongst rare pears. Yes most pears are mislabeled. Every year im asked to identify some and they are not ever what they were sold as. This is orient that was mentioned.


Moonglow are more like this. They look somewhat like ayers in coloring and can be mishaped enough to be mistaken for ayers in a photo.

This is ayers below. Grow many of these trees. The photos below are ones i took on my farm

Kieffer pears look like this Kieffer Pears Information and Facts

This is maxine from my property

Turnbull looks like this

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The pears are likely from a regional supplier you’d never buy from due to their shoddy operation.

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The big box stores always give me a big surprise when i see what they have they sold someone. To this day there is one i cant identify a woman has. Worst tasting pear but there are lots of them. They dont get fireblight either.

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