What are your experiences with this oddball apple?
There was a large Kandil sinap tree on the farm when we moved here in 1960. It has huge crops and the apples can be quite large in a good year. Taste wise it is ok. I use it some mixed with others for cider. I give quite a few away also. It is also a very clean apple with no spray. It has only minor codling moth and maggot problems. I see no scab on it.
I have no experience with this apple. However I found good descriptions of Kandil Sinap in Russian sources since it originated from Crimea. I can provide this information if you are interested in it.
My Russian is a bit rusty, hope you can translate for me. Its such a strange lookin thing I had to have some. It’s on my frankentree.
I have one in a pot I grafted onto Bud9 2012. It has grown into a slender columnar shape and I agree on its disease resistance. I cover the apples with Surround soaked footies, with touch ups in especially wet seasons. It is an attractive apple but my first crop tasted just ok. It didn’t crop the following year. I topped it over to Wijick McIntosh. Maybe they taste more impressive in other regions. I’m in Pacific NW.
I also found the taste just OK. I think the whole sell on this apple is its unusual looks.
Is this the one also known as Sheepnose?
I think Sheepnose is also known as Back Gilliflower, another variety.
So this is what I found about Kandil Snap from Russian sources. The variety is very old, it is known in 18th and 19th century. It was grown primarily in Crimea by Crimean Tatars. Kandil means “lamp” in tatarian language. In 19th and 20th century Kandil apples were widely exported to the Russian cities and they were really expensive, more then the European ones. It is said that Tatars were very knowledgeable about their orchards and they made very good money with this trade. On the standard size Kandil Sinap needs about 10-15 years to produce fruit. On the dwarfing rootstock it’ll take 2-3 as usual. The tree has characteristic pyramidal shape and grows slowly. It is long lived (on the standard rootstock) and can grow big over time. Kandil is very productive, but tends to produce every 2-3 years. The fruits are large and very attractive. They have thin skin and are easy to bruise. They are easy to knock down by the strong winds, so it is recommended to plant Kandil in protected places. It flowers very late so escapes frosts. It is very resistant to scab and powdery mildew. The fruits ripen in Autumn and they keep well until March or April. It is said that Kandil has very good taste “juicy, sweet with tender flesh”. I personally think that the tastes are different now and 100 years ago. We are quite spoiled by the selection of modern super sweet apples, that keep very long and look very nice. Crimea is somewhat like Mediterranean land: dry and rocky, but colder, probably zones 5-6. Kandil Sinap is hardy enough to grow near Kiev, which is about zone 5. I’ve never heard about Kandil Sinap growing in Moscow region, which is probably zone 4a. By the way Kandil Sinap is the parent of many modern varieties which in Russia are called Sinaps e.g. Northern Sinap.
Here is the picture of Kandil Sinap that I found:
Thanks Antmary! Beautiful description. I grafted mine on both b9 and g935. Hopefully they will produce faster than 10 yrs!
Antmary - Are you familiar with a Russian Cultivar called Bessemianka (or Bessemyanka) Michurina? I am growing it and the whip is a couple years old. No apples yet. I would love to hear any translations about it. I believe Michurin is or was an important plant breeder. Thanks in advance.
Sinap is named after the Sinope peninsula in Turkey where it is said to have originated. I am growing this variety. We’ll see how it grows. No fruit yet.
JohN S
It was just a suggestion, made by people trying to explain the origin of the word “sinap” in the apple’s name, it’s Turkey origin is not clear, but it’s possible.
I am very busy this week, I’ll write about Bessemyanka as soon as I can.
Now that you have nearly 5 more years experience with Kandil Sinap, how has it done for you? What stock did you put it to?
Are you letting it grow upright naturally or on a trellis? Disease issues?
If you don’t hear from him, you can ask him in person next Sunday.
It was a branch on my tree. I have neglected that branch and I’m not sure I’m still growing it. Sorry. It was a good apple, with an unusual shape, but the flavor wasn’t so impressive that I focused on it.
John S
Now my interest is piqued for Kandil Sinap, I had hoped to obtain scions at the Portland, OR, Home Orchard Society Propagation Fair. Which just announced cancellation. Phooey.
I didn’t grow it but I have eaten some over the years. It is a very soft-fleshed apple with nothing particularly interesting in the flavor. The main claim to fame of the apple is how it looks, it is a beautiful apple.
The Kandil Sinap is one of these varieties that I just fell in love with and no matter how many disadvantages the tree seemed to have I just wanted it! But if you say the taste is nothing special that is a very good argument against it.
The HOS just sent word they will sell scions @ $2.00 a piece; list forthcoming in a few days. Might get to try Kandil Sinap anyway.
Many a cultivar performs differently way out west than elsewhere. Don’t know anyone growing it nearby.