Candy Heart Pluerry

Is that Rachel? I met her last week. I actually shared a scion with her that she didn’t have. We’ve compared some notes. Just finding the names of all of LB’s plums has been a challenge. I went to a CRFG scion exchange today and I saw some of her cuttings…very tough to let some of them go by…but I just don’t have a spot for them right now.

Sounds right.

Out of curiosity, which variety?

I suspect that you’ve already run across it, but Vol. 5 of Luther Burbank: His Methods and discoveries and their practical application lists and comments on a number of them.

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Jordan. The guys from Arboreum gave me a cutting and it’s extremely rare. Red skin with snow white flesh. I grafted it onto my Santa Rosa and I’m hoping it takes. I’m fascinated by the “lost” plums. So many varieties were just deemed not commercial and were discarded.

Oh yes, I read through that the other night. It’s a surprisingly fast read. Sadly, though, there are no lists that I found of the fruit that he introduced, so I had to pick through to find the names of things, some he just mentions in passing. I think the assumption was that they were already out there and would stay out there. I bought a biography of LB (The Garden of Invention) and I was hoping it would have that information. Nope. It’s going to take a lot more digging, I’m afraid.

There is an old U.C. Publication which has a list of ~100 plums but it may be redundant–it doesn’t mention, e.g., Catherine Bunnell, so presumably isn’t comprehensive. I have the same biography but haven’t made it through it yet.

Do you have any info about this plum? I found a couple mentions online but no useful info.

Another plum I found absolutely nothing about is Clapper Red, would appreciate if anybody has any info about it.

From reading a little of that Vol.5 of Luther Burbank(thanks Vohd),it looks like a number of crosses were made using the Burbank Plum and Satsuma.One that stood out to me was the Prize.I wonder if that is still around? Brady

This is how Andy Mariani describes it in his blue booklet:
Origin Luther Burbank. Mr. Burbank had given this plum, an exclusive variety, as a gift to Catherine Bunnell, wife of once prominent law professor Wm. Gorrell at Boalt Hall, Berkeley, probably in the early 1900s. The only known tree is still clinging to life in the backyard of the old Gorrell residence. CRFG was recently [in 1994] given the opportunity to save the variety by repropagating it. The plum is said to resemble Santa Rosa, which may be a descendant. The fruit is large, deep red to purple in color, ripening around July 4th. It had little commercial potential because the fruit ripened too quickly, the fruit did not keep well and almost all the stones cracked within the fruit; however, the plum was of such exceptional dessert quality that it was given to Burbank’s close friends as an enduring gift.

In hindsight, that name possibly dates to the CRFG propagation and could be synonymous with a variety mentioned in one of the older sources.


I’m starting the research into that. Many of his plums are lost in time, it seems. I plan to go to Andy’s Orchard this summer and ask tons of questions. Maybe it can be found. And maybe cuttings can be knocked loose. :smile:

Where did you get this booklet??? I must have one! I’m glad I grabbed a scion of that at the exchange on Saturday. It sounds intriguing, at least deserving of a branch. Perhaps I’ll have to graft a rootstock over when my order from Raintree comes.

I’m hoping to do more research into the names of the plums. It gets very confusing since other seed/plant companies would take the same trees and sell them as something else, like when Starking sold “Golden” later as “Gold”. I seriously doubt LB ever sold that plum as “Catherine Bunnell”…but this is the same guy who named one of his plums “Apple”…'cause that’s smart. :tongue:

I do think you’re right, probably named as such later in honor of the confirmed recipient. I’ll have to ask someone at CRFG.

I can’t get this to open, is the link correct? I’d definitely like to see it…

At a SCV-CRFG scion exchange, I got the impression that sales may be a fund-raiser, but I’m not certain. [quote=“PlummerJosh, post:149, topic:2046”]
It sounds intriguing, at least deserving of a branch.

If it does well near Berkeley, it seems like an easy choice to add in your location.

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I had originally linked directly to a PDF version of the document which apparently had a host name that the Internet Archive took down (or maybe failed). I updated the link to the general page on the work. If that for some reason goes down, it is called “Luther Burbank’s plant contributions” by W.L. Howard.


:nerd: There it all is!!! Man, that is awesome. Thanks for sharing it.

Candy Heart Pluerry.


Looks like your on your way to some good treats.

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Here are my trees. Both trees bloomed along with Geo Pride and Emerald Gem Pluots, however, only the tallest pluerry produced fruit. It was the last bloom that produced fruit after I placed it near Nadia. By the time I placed them near nadia, the shortest pluerry had already finished flowering.

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Here is a progress photo, before thinning of fruit. The tree will have at least 50 fruit after thinning is completed.


I only have one left thanks to the strong winds.

We had some very strong winds the other day/night, 50 mph gusts. None of the fruit was knocked off (or knocked out- ha ha!). The tree is sheltered behind a south facing wall, as you can see in the photo. I wish I could give you a branch of them. I know it sucks waiting another year. Take very good care of your remaining one. Do not pick it until late July early August when they ripen. Or, I might have to send over some fruit and or seeds to you for seed growing hybrid experiments. Good luck!


That’s too bad Ulises. I remember you had similar issues with wind last year for some fruits. Maybe some sort of wind break or other protective structure could be useful to shield your fruit from the winds in the high desert.

It happens every year, that’s why I don’t like to thin my trees.

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