Cedar Apple Rust, Frogeye spot, or?

Is this cedar apple rust, frogeye spot, or something else?

edit…in looking at a bunch of pics online, it would seem to me to be frogeye spot (black rot). Maybe a bit of scab on the far right leaf’s right margin. Anybody want to point me in a different direction?

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I oftentimes find myself asking that question. I have spots like yours. Given what I have unearthed playing the picture matching game on the net, I am leaning toward frogeye.

Apple Scab, Rust and Frog-eye Leaf Spot- Which is What? | BYGL.

The problem with digging around on the web is that one can come up with a lot of picture assigned to different things that look like our spots. COuld I confidently say that what I see is frogeye vs alternaria leaf blotch? Not likely.

For me the circles that tend to appear in ~ May are more red orange than the brown spots I have now on some of my trees. I chalk the orange ones in May ones up to CAR and I tell myself the brown ones are frogeye.


Thank you for the response and links. The first linked page I was familiar with, but not the second. I was convinced it was frogeye spot until I looked at the pics of Alternaria leaf blotch on that second page. Now, I’m unsure.

sorry to drag you in to the sea of uncertainty… that said, Captan seems to help me. :slight_smile:


This will confuse things even further (for me)
“Similarly, injury from the fungicide captan may produce similar symptoms (D).”
Alternaria blotch - Integrated Pest Management (msu.edu)

I hit my trees with Captan/Imidan about a month ago, and they’ll get their second shot tomorrow. I like to keep my herbicide/insecticide sprays to 3, plus dormant oil and copper. Maybe I need to increase my cover sprays…

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Do you use any Neem oil on your trees? Or just the Captan/Imidan and dormant oil and copper?
I cannot use copper because my orchard is right next to my pond. I had to spray one of my peach trees one year because of peach leaf curl, but only that one area on the tree and I did it once in the fall and once in the spring. I used to use a Captan/Imidan product years ago but I cannot find it any longer.

Nope, no neem. I did include Indar and myclo along with the captan and imidan. Also included nu film p

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One product I have been using switched from using Captan and has put Neem oil in its place. I thought that was an odd replacement.

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I agree, that’s an odd change

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