Cherry Of The Rio Grande (Eugenia involucrata)

Just bought one of these today Richard and a few more trees/bushes
Hope it survives outside in Portugal :slight_smile:


Nice collection! What all is there?

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Grumixama - eugenia brasiliensis
Carissa macrocarpa
Jujuba - giant variety
Uva crispa - Hinnonmaki Red cultivar gooseberry
Paw paw Sunflower - asimina triloba
Cherry of Rio Grande - eugenia involucrata
Callicarpa americana


@Richard, do you also grow Barbados Cherry?

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No, neither of them:

Malpighia emarginata - acerola

Malpighia glabra - escobillo


How do you suppose it would do in a pot?!


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Some small tropical fruits that might be better to try… Like Australian Beach Cherry, but I could never keep one alive. Brady has one, not sure how it is doing? I’m now trying Chilean Guava. It is said to do well in containers.


My CORG is flowering a lot but so far no fruit here near Houston. There are named ones, a friend sent scions of Ben’s Beaut. Got mad one time at no fruit on a large tree and cut it down. Time passed and am trying again. Tree is now 8-10 feet tall. As hardy as satsuma for me.


Mine looks like it is starting to bloom, like Richards picture. I got 8 to 10 fruits last year.


Mine has started blooming. It is about 5 or 6 years old. I have it in a pot due to poor soils at old house and I planned to bring it in during coldest days. It is too tall now. It did survive 26 degrees but is was brief and I moved it close to the house.


Does anyone have experience growing E. involucrata around deer? How resistant are they to deer browse? We have a steady flow throughout the day of about a dozen deer. I’m going to build a fence, but for now, I have a spot that cries out for this plant… but it’s a spot that deer will have access to. Thanks!

In case anyone is wondering… I have a grumichama (E. brasiliensis) in a pot that deer have access to and there has been no damage at all. I’m going to give COTRG a go in the ground.

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I have a Cherry of the Rio Grande in a pot- nursery pot none the less (poor thing). The first picture is when I got it a year ago. Second and third picture shows it today at over 6’ tall. How old does one grown from seed (which this was and bought at Exotica Nursery in Vista CA) before it will start flowering and fruiting?

Here it is now:


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Start of the season.


Love it! I have a Nelita seedling that flowered this year and a 6ft unnamed variety that still has not flowered. Can’t wait to try one.