Chojuro Asian pears

These Chojuro Asian pears are belong at the top among the best Asian pears. Nice russet color, real sweet with caramel flavor. Somewhat early like the Drippin Honey.



Hi Tony,

Thanks for sharing your experience.

Do you grow 20th Century? If so, how early is Chojuro as compared to 20th Century?

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I top worked my 20th Century due to much cracking of the fruits to Shinseiki. I have been eating Shinseiki the last 2 weeks. Very juicy and decent sweetness.



Seconded Tony on cracking on 20th Century. It tastes also too mild to occupy a space as a whole tree.


Never realized Chojuro was in the league of Drippin’ Honey pear. I need to get some more chojuro pears growing. Have one tree which is very small and I’ve pretty much ignored it not realizing they were that good.

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Those are ripe already on Omaha?


Yes,. Very good Asian pear. Almost like an early Korean Giant.



I’m glad to know that Shinseiki is even earlier. I grafted it last year and hope it will bear fruit next year.

My 20th Century branches from the original 4-in-1 tree have been gradually removed as it’s adjacent orange tree crowded over it. Mine was also quite bland even with no rain in the summer. The fruits are small even with severe thinning.


I fully agree. Even a quarter of a tree is too much.

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If I wanted to grow a Korean Giant and a Chojuro, what European pears would provide cross pollination? @clarkinks @tonyOmahaz5

Clark, does your Small Yellow Pear meet the requirement for Chojuro?

What would you/Tony recommend for a Euro for Korean Giant?



I don’t know much about chojuro because my callery reject chojuro scions. They flat out reject them it’s not just slow failure. I have one growing on ohxf but it’s a small pear. What I do know about is all my other Asian pears bloom much earlier with kieffer, duchess d’angoulme etc… The only other later blooming pear besides the little yellow one is Harrow sweet.

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I had shinseki for breakfast, it was good but not real sweet, my kg split to pieces this year.

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Very nice! I have one Asian Pear- Hosui. Anyone picking them yet? I’d love to get into the Asian Pears if I had the space…

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I swear it almost seems like Asian pears are self fertile. They just seem to set fruit even when other pears aren’t even blooming.

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Any two Asian pears, Cleveland Flowering pears in the neighborhood, or any Eroupean pears will pollinate each other.


Here is my Korean Giant with lots of fruits.


Thank you, all. @tonyOmahaz5 @speedster1 @clarkinks

I will plant a Chojuro & Korean Giant.



Bloom times need to overlap and that small yellow pear only overlaps harrow sweet of all the pears I grow so far. The other flowers are gone when they open.

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That’s what I was wondering if you could recommend a terrific Euro pear that blooms along with Korean Giant.

Yesterday I looked at Raintree’s pollinizer info. for Asian pears and they put Chojuro second to last to bloom. So I was thinking that either “Small Yellow Pear” or ‘Harrow Sweet’ may be open when Chojuro is. Korean Giant is about 4th if I am remembering correctly. I was hoping for experience of another of your very favorite Euro’s that’s open with Korean Giant.



I only grow large early Asian pears like Korean Giant, Hosui etc. . Tony grows the later ones such as mishirasu, Chojuro etc. . My types of pears like Chojuro are not old enough to say yet.

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So essentially you don’t have any Asian pear flowering when either “Small Yellow Pear” or ‘Harrow Sweet’ is blooming.

I think I missed that last time, Clark.

Best regards,
