Citrus in the wrong zone

What about my citrus trees? Was this a worthwhile effort? For me, most rewarding. I keep mine in my growroom, which was my defunct stained glass art shop for the winter months. They are out now till November.
Do they produce for me? My young trees are producing very well, very well. From the flowers they are having now, good god, poor tree’s.


That looks like a botanical garden Bob! Could get lost in there.

I may be in the market for new pots for my two citrus trees. Do you have any suggestions on where to obtain those larger pots?

[quote=“growjimgrow, post:2, topic:27591”]
(“Do you have any suggestions on where to obtain those larger pots?”)

Landscapers .!
Often this time of year , landscape Co.'s ,Have big piles of big pots , free for the taking .


Large pots? My new limit to citrus containers is 15 gl. No more. I am 81, still be able to lift them. I also like squat containers, two things, one, strong winds, two citrus roots like to go wide, third maybe root rot for some. I buy mine at my hydro phonic place, they carry the ones I like, large lips to drag and lift. Paid $ 7.50 for one, nice quality, buy everything from him. I am cheap but not that cheap.
The ones I bought from AM Leanard are tough, but too flimsy but cheap. Containers with no lip are a no no for me.


Yeah, not bad for “potted” citrus. For me? I like mine in the “right zone”… by the HUNDREDS lol


Looks great, aap. Citrus are native to subtropical and tropical regions. The Arkansas heat and rainfall I’m sure produces a very sweet fruit. Interesting tidbit when comparing a California citrus to a Florida grown citrus. When grown in its natural climate, the citrus, in general, tends to be less acidic, thinner skinned, and sweeter. Of course, this can vary.


S/G, my tree’s are young, taste might not be right yet but have to tell they taste pretty good during December/January/February. This fall it might be better yet, don’t know.

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Definitely true. That’s why all the OJ used to come ( still comes?) from Florida.
California citrus is prettier but not as sweet.


Ram, you just open a can of worms. Hard to beat California stuff. Florida is only known citrus quality for orange juice, it’s only so so good to be use for orange juice.

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Completely incorrect. The oranges that are grown for eating fresh in hand are Washington Navel. (California) The ones for juicing are from Florida.

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Let’s agree that we are strictly talking about brix. Not about subjective things like eating quality.

“California’s climate is typically mild and dry while Florida is hot and humid. While both states grow the same varieties of oranges, this difference in climate has a distinct impact on the fruits. Oranges in Florida are comparatively sweeter and juicier than their California counterparts. On the other hand, California oranges tend to maintain freshness longer due to their thicker peels.”


Let’s not forget your source is a Florida based grower. Can’t see them saying we make inferior oranges lol

How about a non biased opinion?

I’ll post a quote to save folks the time of reading the non-biased article.

“Valencia oranges in California have thick peels and a very sweet flavor. Valencia oranges in Florida have thinner peels and more – albeit more tart – juice. The dry weather in California supports the growth of the thick-peel, sweet “table” oranges; while the damp heat of Florida promotes a juicier orange.”

Does anybody remember what start the individual tagging of fruits with the country of origin. The feud between California and Florida was the reason, tagging started, way back.

This should be settled with a football game.We just need a name.:tangerine:bb

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I planted a very small Valencia orange tree in my back yard about 25 years ago, now it is huge! The juice is very tangy, not super sweet. It improves the flavors of pomegranate an grapefruit juices when all are mixed together.


For me, it doesn’t matter. I choose to grow citrus fruits, whatever I harvest is plenty good for me. My wife, my neighbors, my friends.
We buy a lot of fruits,any kind from Sam’s and others, you got to eat fruits, if I don’t have on my tree’s I know where to find more, I am not that picky. If you love seafood and can’t find a good restaurant I might have to go to Red Lobster, no, I am not going that far.