Clark's Crabapple


Thank you i hope to bring other unknown improved fruit trees to maturity in my lifetime. Only God knows if i will accomplish that. The Clarks crabapple has potential to produce thousands of better varities. It reproduces very close to type. The next generation of seedlings produced by Clark’s crabapple will be exceptional. Since i did not trademark or patent it anyone can graft as many trees as they feel like. Seedlings from those seeds will be highly variable but unmistakably child fruits of Clarks crabapple.


Got scion wood coming this spring from 39th Parallel! Thank you fior your selection work, Clarkinks! It sounds like a wonderful cultivar.


Got my two as well. Waiting for warmer weather later this week to plant them here in NW Ohio.


For those looking for these crabapples has them in stock. There was a big demand on them last year and they sold out quickly. I don’t make money from them in any way, that would defeat the purpose of me growing them. Most of us are or were long time scion / seed etc. traders. It is good to see a project i worked hard on for years yield an apple this good. It made the hard work worth it to know this apple will be around a long time. It was the best of the seedlings i grew. As i said i did not patent or trademark it so it is completely free to distribute , propagate, or make new crosses with it. The apple seedling propagation was a long term pet project of mine. New Apple Seedling Varieties . I would encourage everyone to check out other seedling apples like those @SkillCult is breeding New Seedling Apples, EIGHT years later! Late October 2019 — SkillCult. I honestly feel many times our apples are as good or better than those from the university breeding programs. They have rules and we really do not. To breed a non red apple like what i did offends the best apple breeders now. They need thick skinned apples that store a long time with red skin for the grocery store. Red delicious was one of their greatest accomplishments in their opinion. People buy apples based on appearance not taste, yield , earliness to bear, disease resistance , length of storage without refrigeration etc. That i was concerned with.


I would love to see some of those other cryptic “Clark” creations listed at 39th…lol

Limbertwig? Interest peaked!




The green ones look tangy! Tried them yet? Is the other the red/yellow crab?



There are about half a dozen all together. The red crabapple does not cluster like the clarks crabapple named after me. The clarks crabapple as photos show is ridiculous its so productive. The green one is a great pie apple. It is not sour like granny smith it is more of balanced apple but tasty. It never gets diseases but is less productive. They are all pretty good apples. Only the clarks crabapple is an obvious winner.


Which one has the weeping habit?

I like small to medium apples because of so many kids in the family. The green looks like a nice kid size.



The green one grows straight up and is a little large. I would stick to the clarks crabapple its a winner.


I ordered a scion of Clark’s Crabapple from 39th Parallel, along with Winesap (last tree of this I knew of was cut down by someone buying a house & destroying all fruit trees on that lot) & Dabinett, which cries to be tried in the Spokane area.
Tromping out back into the snow I counted at least 30 shoots coming from Bud118 cut to the ground last year; might be some branching already with those, so at least 20 to play with come March. A hardware cloth cylinder around the shoots & 2-3" of softwood shavings shaken in last August should jump start rooting above ground over winter. I am interested to find out if Clark’s Crab has any tannins. (If no more than Whitney Crab that would be another plus.) In any case, I am close to enough cultivars to make several mixes of juice for cider when the trees mature.
And then there are hunters I know who like chumming for deer by planting apple trees that provide calories in fall…



No tannins it is a good balance of sweet and sour.


I spotted some crab seedlings and will be ordering them. Specifically so I can order from 39th.

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I’d rather have them on his rootstock.

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Yeah, but the crab rootstock will ship now. Apple rootstock will not ship for awhile.

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39th parallel ships Clark’s Crab grafted to rootstock.


I remember @clarkinks saying to put it on vigorous stock like Antanovka, since it bears so heavily that it makes for a runt of a tree

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In many locations, mm111 would be vigorous enough for a moderate sized tree.


39th does. However I can graft my own. I looked for dwarfs but they were out of small grafts of their own stock. And I can get scions and rootstocks grafted this month and growing in the garage on/before January for a good head start. Long before whips and rootstocks ship.

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You’ll save money but not time.