Cold damaged peach and plum trees - what to do next?

What do you do when a tree is significantly damaged by an over-winter cold snap (see below)?

This winter, we had a really cold snap… maybe -13 or -15F. My two peach trees (Contender on Guardian and Red Haven on Bailey) and one of my plum trees (Empress on Krymsk 1) had more dead limbs than live limbs. Other trees are fine or a little dip damage, but generally not flowering this year.

The peaches were due for a major re-shaping this year, as they were neglected in their second year.

As far as pruning, all you can do is cut off the dead stuff and hope it will stimulate new growth

Thanks. I was hoping there was some trick or magic potion to help the tree flourish after I cut all the dead off :slight_smile:

With so much damage, I am half thinking to cut the major scaffolds that were going to be cut anyhow, and see if some more buds spring to life. I’m guessing it’s going to have a tough couple years and might not make it anyhow.

Can anyone educate me about term effects of cold damage? If it grows back, then after one year is the tree ‘back to normal’, or the issues will sustain for a few years or longer?

I have similar looking tree, even without winter damage. I do however have some deer damage. Your tree and my tree are small, so I expect it to bounce back if it can have a good growing season this year. I’m giving my tree plenty of nitrogen to encourage growth.

In my experience, peach trees have been very peculiar or picky about where they choose to push out new growth in spring. They seem to want to have habit of abandoning some branches at random. They don’t seem to want to go along with my plans.

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