Colorado Orange Apple

Hopefully the last one will take and you can get some fruit from it. Keep us informed. Good luck!


My finger points to 54 inches, or 4’ 6", which is how much Orange Colorado has grown on an older Gen30 root stock after cleft grafting in early June. Will re-plant it next March, I hope.


It looks great. Nice job!!


We’ve already had lows to 20°F & the leaves on Orange Colorado show no effects. Both whips from the cleft graft are still fully leafed & very green, unlike Claygate or Gold Rush, which leaves show quite dark, or several others that have dropped all or most leaves. Remarkable. I did not fertilize that part of the yard this year.


I like the sounds of it’s comfort with the cold. Living in the namesake and seeking out a new apple, I was chatting with someone today who has received some scionwood.

Do you or anyone here have a sense of reports on the flavor, aside from what was in the above article and the MORP site?

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On the MORP website there is a contact to ask the Schuenemeyers such a question. They are really good about replying.
I won’t know for at least two years from next November, if it’s very precocious; more likely in '27.


Yesterday the ground was soft & weather clear, so I dug out a dead cherry stump & what roots broke up & replanted Orange Colorado. Awoke to find this. The CO whip leans a bit left into the base of Maiden Blush in the back center near the barn.


MORP is now selling scionwood, including for the Colorado Orange; however, they’re now out of it.

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Thank you for the link and info. I will make sure to try a few sticks of it when it available again. I am all for keeping heirloom varieties available to enjoy and helping this organization continue their work. I am glad they finally found a CO Orange apple tree still in existence.

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I may have access to a little Colorado Orange scion wood next year. I am in Northern Colorado. Also curious about taste of this apple. My source tree hasn’t born fruit yet- had 2 small apples this spring but a deer ate them.

My whip established roots after transplanting this spring & is beginning to branch. Even on Gen30 it seems pretty vigorous. Leaves are spotless.