I found some Ball pickling calcium chloride at the grocery store.
The one year i used it…but i have no idea if it worked…i didn’t get any rot…but i usually don’t get rot on my container trees… I want to hit all my donut peaches (i have a lot this year) that are on in ground trees with it.
I read the article you linked and another article from New Zealand. The one in NZ said it had some effectiveness against monilinia laxa. So, if it could work against both flucticola and laxa, it is worth a try.
I cannot wait to give you bottles of stuff I have, unless your shed is full. Matt took one look at my chemistry lab of bottles and just said, don;'t light a match!
Ok, this is going to be a rant… (not meant to be personal in any way).
It is hard to tell the form of calcium in that Biolink Cal Plus product. Calcium carbonate complexed with organic acids is not a real chemical species. You either have calcium complexed with organic acids, or calcium carbonate (chalk). The complexed calcium should be soluble and available for uptake by the plant, but calcium carbonate is very insoluble in water. So hopefully it is the former, rather than the latter.
The product very well may be produced by the action of organic acids on calcium carbonate, but during that process the calcium carbonate should be dissolved to from Ca bound to the organic acids and CO2 gas. But the darn label should say exactly what is in the product and not obfuscate the true form of what is in there.
If the stuff is chalky, I would probably not re-purchase it at that price! My $0.02 as an environmental chemist.
It looks like molasses and its not cloudy so the calcium must be in solution somehow. Calcium carbonate should dissolve in acid as you mention. I think the label writer just mis-used the standard terms.
For back yard growers who use Pristine or Indar: Do you really spend $350-450 dollars a gallon, or you know a secret place where to get it in reasonable amount?
Can you trust it? I mean, I would trust people from here, but e-bay… It is not something that easy to figure out if it it is original or not… One thing if it will not work, another if it will kill your trees…
I spent $67 on an 8 oz bottle of Tenacity Herbicide last week. When it arrived it was the size of a bottle of advil. I thought to myself I am crazy for purchasing this. Then I realized it only takes 1/2 teaspoon per gallon and realized it may last me the rest of my life.