Crabapples in Orchard for pollination

I have heard that many orchardists plant flowering crabapple trees in their orchards to enhance pollination. I was wondering how helpful it is to do this. Have people seen a major difference in apple production between orchards containing flowering crabapples and those without?

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I really have seen no difference to tell you the truth.

I don’t know about the pollination part but the ones I have seem to bloom for an extended time. My crabapples are for eating.

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I planted my three crabs first in anticipation of little pollination from bees. So glad I did, without my crabs my apple trees would have all gone biennial. We have few to no other flowering trees in my area. Maybe one, but it is very early. Mine are late bloomers and just perfect for the timing of my apples.

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I planted a couple Golden Hornets in hopes they’d be late bloomers/pollination partners for my Court Pendu Plat and Court Pendu Rose apples. We’ll see if it works in a year or two.

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I think that is the main reason people plant crabapple trees, expended blossoming times with them. I probably need to get a different crabapple tree. One with a little bigger crabapples for use and eating.

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