Daybreak Fuji and Crimson Crisp

Anybody growing these Apples? I picked both for the first time a few days ago. Crimson Crisp looked almost perfect with no spray but Daybreak Fuji had the normal sooty blotch/flyspeck. I was probably a few days too late on the Fuji, but they were good for my climate. The Crimson Crisp were excellent and very crisp just like the name says. I don’t have many apples this year because I removed them to force the trees to grow quickly after some major surgery last year to remove fireblight. I saved a few apples on most variety to see how they would look and taste. Printine, Ginger Gold and Gala were all good just like you would expect. Williams Pride were over ripe when I picked them. Bevans were lousy. Crimson Crisp was a big surprise and I believe I may need to plant more. A few apples from just one year is not a valid test but I really like the CC. Looks like I may need to remove the Bevans and WP rows which are next to the CC and double up on the CC…

I have a single CrimsonCrisp. It has produced well. The apples are smaller than some of the others
but they sure do get Red!.

My Crimson Crisp have been red for a few weeks, but I’ve held off on picking them. I remember that when they were this red last year they were still quite sharp and unripe. How long do you let them hang while red before you pick them?


I only have a few apples on a lot of trees, so I did not pay much attention to them until a few days ago. I took the ACN ripening calendar and overlaid another calendar that I thought would be correct for my area. The adjusted schedule showed the Daybreak Fuji and CC should be ripe, so I picked a few. I was very surprised and pleased with the quality of the CC, compared with the other apples this year.

ACN shows Sept 10th (and is South of me), so I probably have a ways to go. They are pretty tempting to pick, given the all-over red that at least some of them have had for a while now.

BBT, Why not top work the Bevans and WP with the available scion wood next to these trees and save yourself the years of establishment and get the benefit of the mature rootstock; plus its fun!


Great Idea! I have never done bark or cleft grafting. How hard would it be for an inexperienced person to rework about 50 trees? Someone here posted a great video of a very experienced person top working huge apple orchards which was amazing.

I was tempted to pick mine also when they turned red. I’m glad I waited a while, but I waited too long on the Daybreak Fuji, Gala and Pristine. Next year I need to get a good handle on the best time to pick each variety and the proper time to allow U-pick for each variety - assuming I have some apples next year!

I probably posted that, 67chevyimpala’s youtube channel. Wenatchee Valley, WA. ALL his videos are awesome and inspiring.

blueberry…have you any photos of the Crimson Crisp? I’ve always thought is sounded interesting along with Crimson Topaz.

Blueberry, grafting is not rocket science, but works best if first practiced on random trees to get the hang of doing the cuts correctly. There are some older threads with lots of people chiming in with their tips. speed is a factor as well as technique.


Sorry no pictures. The few apples I had were normal in size, but no tree had more than one apple. Most had no apples because I tried to remove every apple from every tree. I did notice that the sample CC apples ACN provided to an apple grower’s conference last December were small compared to all other variety.

Here’s a pic of my Crimson Crisp. This was one of the apples that I found very few (if any) bug bites on this spring.

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They look super nice Daemon…do you spray much and if so…what with? They look like you polished them on the tree.


CC look great with good size given the big fruit load.

How old are the trees and what rootstock?

This tree was planted Spring 2012. I was told it was on M9.
I got three sprays on this year with Triazicide + Immunox

For those who grow Crimson Crisp, could you please post its taste?

I am considering ordering this variety. Need to get more input from those who have tasted them. Thanks.

“Small to medium. Very bright mid-range red over yellow. Extremely crisp. Very good, rich flavor. Sweet/sharp flavor, spicy”, is how Orangepippin describes it.

It’s one of the best of DR’s for flavor, IMO. Juicy and a bit tart with a crisp, very appealing texture. I need to check on brix but it seems relatively high. It is good enough to grow even if you don’t care about having to apply fungicide to control scab and CAR.

Actually the DR’s may be easier to grow than other apples for reasons beyond disease resistance, it seems. This year I got a lot of corking (dark indentations not caused by stink bugs) on apples. This is generally a sign of calcium deficiency and my soil is rather acidic deep down. Drought may have limited access to the high C content higher in the soil profile when the huge apples required a lot of calcium.

Goldrush, and Liberty did not suffer any symptoms and neither did the Crimson Crisp nearby, although it only had a few apples. Crimson Crisp seems to produce sound apples better than most in my less sprayed nursery conditions, so my experience mirrors Daemon’s in this regard.

Thank you Alan. It is very helpful since you are in the same neighborhood regarding a growing condition.

schlabach has it.

I got some Crimson Crisp for the first time from a U-pick a few weeks ago. The first one was so bland that I couldn’t see how anyone could get excited about such an apple. I walked down the row and found one up high in the sun. That one was amazing. It had a wonderful spicy tartness. I took a chance and picked a bunch more to take home. Unfortunately most have been bland. I’m not sure why flavor variation was so extreme. All trees are on dwarf rootstock, but I’m not sure which type.