Digital Edition of Old Southern Apples

If you have looked at used prices of the book recently, they start at $350. There is a digital version of the 2010 revised second edition available from VitalSource for $75. It gives you lifetime access to it via their app. Of course any online company can go under so that that should be considered when purchasing.

That business is mainly an E Textbook company.and depending on the agreement with the book’s publisher, terms of use vary. Some are rentals with time limits.

I bought it today and the e book is as fine as any similar online books I have looked at. The color illustrations are available and it is fully searchable.


I bought one hardback edition when I first started looking at apple varieties to start in my new orchard. I literally wore that book out. The pages were falling out. I took the pages to Staples and had them put it into a spiral bound form so I still use it. Then I bought a new copy. I am glad I bought a new copy and put it aside. I actually talked with Lee a few times. So sorry to hear that he passed away.
It is a GREAT reference book, as you can see.


I did not think about it. But I need to start paying more attention to book collections at estate sales she conducts. Many times there are very prolific libraries and the family was/is Ag business involved.

She did one for a deceased Railroad Executive and he had 1400 very expensive cooking titles. And many on producing the foods.

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The prices for this volume are amazingly high now. It must have been a regrettably small print run. I bought a new hardbound copy back in 2015 for $50 - should have bought a few more to share, I guess.

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I sold my first edition to get the second edition and I think I made $150 profit on the swap :grinning: Looks like I could have made even more if I held off.

Yes, me too. I wish I would have bought a few more copies. One great book and a great reference book.

Yes, and got mine signed. Priceless.


VERY lucky. Keep it stored.

So smart to have the book rebound in spiral format. I recieved it as a Christmas gift and I really want to highlight things & mark it up but keeping it in good condition instead because I know it was ridiculously expensive. I felt like I needed the info of what could grow in my current state in TX. The book does not


I was fortunate enough to buy an extra copy once my original copy started falling apart. I am glad I did once I saw the price started going up and realized more editions would possibly not be made. Glad you are enjoying the book, it is a great read and reference book.

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Awesome! Never seen spiral myself.

I had to make it into a spiral at Staples after the pages started falling out. I used it as a reference so much and highlighted so much of the book. I hated the thought of throwing it away when that happened. It has worked out well making into a spiral version. They did a great job of making it into a spiral version for me.