Can someone help me to fix the disease I am facing on my young pluot trees this year? See photos below. I have four different varieties of pluot at my backyard and they are all having the same problem. They are in ground 2 years ago.
I am in Dallas, TX area, I am just wondering if this year excessive rain in my area has caused this problem. Thanks in advance…
I would say brown rot.
For best practice, thin your fruit off a lot more. Do not let them touch each other as it will make the issue worse.
All the fancy names of the chemicals Texas A&M suggested, the one you can find easily is propiconazole under Bonide Infuse brand name.
One of myclobutanil is Immunox brand but it is not that effective.
I agree this is Brown Rot. You need a good spray program to have it under control. There are multiple discussions here about it, and they include information on which fungicides to use at what frequency. Good luck!
Thank you Ahmad and mamuang. I just ordered a bottle of Bonide Infuse to try out.
I also have a nectarine tree that exhibit more or less the same symptom.
I wish I had consulted with you experts much earlier - Hope it is not too late in the game.
Make sure you discard any infected fruits immediately in the trash and don’t compost them. Leaving them on your trees or on the ground will cause millions of spores to spread in your yard, causing very high disease pressure.
Brown rot affects many stone fruit, peaches, nectarine, plums, pluots, plumcots, cherries. If your climate is humid, you will get it. Sometimes, it shows up after 2-3 years. Sometimes, it shows up after 4-5 years. Mine showed up on the 3rd year on peaches. By 4th year, every peaches were affected. Like @Ahmad said, keep your trees and the ground orchard free of brown rot infected fruit.
Read the label of Infuse. It is not too late to spray now. Also, brown rot comes hand in hand with blossom blight. That one you need to spray much earlier in the spring.
As a home gardener enthusiast, I have several other fruit trees that I am minoring the situation. I am hoping the are OK. Here they are as of 6/18/2021.
- Asian pear (20th century)
- Asian pear (Hosui)
- Jujube (Honey jar)
- Jujube (sugarcane)
- Nectarine (Atomic Red)
The nectarine is what could get brown rot. Pears and jujubes do not.
The best Fungicide for Brown Rot is Indar and Luna Sensation.
Have you ever experienced blossom blight? I’ve never had it even in unsprayed nursery trees. One thing about university guidelines- they often don’t provide any relative risk guidance. I’ve had blossom blight on cherries and Asian pears but never peaches, plums or nects which receive no pre-petal fall sprays in my nursery or orchard.
I believe I had it on apricots and maybe, cherries.
I bet it happens to peaches on springs when it is both quite warm and very wet. Usually our wet springs are cool.
I agree. It has probably happened. On apricots, the symptoms appeared to match the description of blossom blight.
Apricots are highly susceptible to blossom blight, I lost many blossoms and branches to it in two consecutive years due to rain during bloom. Even in California, I believe @fruitgrower lost an Orangered tree due to blossom blight. However, I agree that nectarines seem to be significantly more resistant.
That’s interesting, I have less experience with cots than other common stonefruits and the ones in my orchard are growing right against eastern and southern walls of my home, where they are very productive and relatively healthy, although they suffer from bacterial leaf spot a bit, unlike most of the peach and nect varieties I grow.
My ag chem guru suggests several spring apps of copper soap to discourage bacterial spot, but there’s only so much time in a day. Anyway, on most years I get a great cot harvest. I’ve been eating Early Blush for last few days. What a treat to have cots in cherry and strawberry season. In the east Early Blush doesn’t get up quite the sugar as later varieties, but it sure beats store-bought by a mile and has the juicy rather than excessively mushy texture required of a great cot. I did leave too much fruit on it in ratio to leaves as I was hoping for it to grow with more vigor after I thinned. It is the least vigorous and healthy of my 4 variety wall collection.
Where can I get these? Please provide the link for online ordering if possible
I have the Indar and Luna Sensation Fungicide.